Army's Hair! {High-School AU}

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Note: This is a high-school AU plus the entire chapter has been inspired by a My Hero Academia Comic which is right on top!

Bangladesh Army: *was walking down the hall of the school while noticing how his hair is slightly longer and thinks* How'd I let it get so long? I'll have Didi cut it.

Palestine: *was walking in the same direction with her textbook in hand and notices Army* Oh Army, your hair has gotten so long!

Bangladesh Army: *notices Palestine and averts his eyes towards her* Ah, yeah just a bit. I am going to get it cut soon *was about to walk away*

Palestine: You know, if you grew it out, I think it'd really suit you. *has a faint blush and walks away to class*

Bangladesh Army: *stops in his tracks and looks at Palestine with a small blush on his face* !!

Several Months Later~

India: *looks at Army* Army, for the love of god, let me cut your hair.

Bangladesh Army: *legit has his grown even more* No, Didi. This is who I am now.

India: At least let me style it.

Bangladesh Army: Deal.

A/N Well now! Army is a certified simp in this AU xD Hope you enjoyed! <3 I am gonna start working on the actual chapter now! uwu

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