Pakiraq Ship FanArt Cause I have no Life! 👌

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If y'all are wondering what Pakiraq ship is then I shall introduce you to this very unknown yet made ship!

This is a ship between Pakistan and Iraq!

Pakistan is a boy and Iraq is a girl in my book!

Yesh I know I am weird!

Enjoy this cool art!

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Basically the art is by xXClassic_RuXx! My friend like requested her to draw this since she has no WP account to tell her by herself so I did it for her lol!

What happened in this art is that Pakistan was crying and Iraq came and hugged him to comfort and make him happy!

I must say that this is very underrated in my opinion!

*in the distance* I am ready to get attacked by Pakistan x China shippers now! Please don't kill me I beg you! I ship Pakistan x China too but I just like underrated ships more! ;-;

Anyways good day! I am gone! xD

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