A Little bit Meme:
Saudi Arabia: Hey girl, you like me a little bit?
Bangladesh: No! I don't even like you a little bit!
Oman: Come on girl, you like me a little bit?
Bangladesh: Hah! Not even a little bit!
Mauritania: Wait! Don't you like me a little bit?
Bangladesh: *legit starts getting annoyed and starts pounding her fist on her other palm* Why don't you understand!? I don't like you!!
Mughal Empire: *from heaven* That's my girl!
Bangladesh: Ew! I don't even like you a little bit!
Nepal: Hey, I heard you like me a little bit
Bangladesh: Um maybe just a little bit *blushes*
The Water-Lily Harem: *legit heartbroken*
My Boyfriend is too tall Incorrect Quote:
Palestine: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Del Pilar: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him!
Bangladesh: Tackle him!
Pakistan: Dump him!
Philippines: Kick him in the shins!
Who stole the drugs vine:
America: It's time to play: who stole the drugs?
Spain: Was it me?
Japan: Was it me??
Pakistan: It's him! *points at Russia*
Russia: f***ing pink fairies everywhere!
I'm Cold Incorrect Quote:
Philippines: I'm cold!
Russia: Here, take my jacket!
Iraq: Hey, I'm cold too!
Pakistan: What? *taking off jacket* I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn't listen and now *piling scarves on her* now look, I've got to make sure you don't freeze to death and *taking somebody else's hat* how long have you been cold you should've said something sooner!
Important Question Incorrect Quote:
Myanmar: I think we both have to ask the girls an important question.
Nepal: Right.
Myanmar: India
Nepal: Bangladesh
*at the same time*
Myanmar: Will you go out on a date with me?
Nepal: Will you marry me?
Myanmar: What?
Nepal: ... What?
All Going to hell vine:
The Mughal Siblings: *doing whatever*
America: *sliding down the stairs while singing* You're all going to hell! Bye!
Bangladesh Army: You edgy son of a-
'Deer' Vine:
Czech Republic: So how did you guys get into that car crash?
Poland: Well Germany was driving, and I saw a deer and yelled, 'Germany deer!'
Germany: ...
Poland: Tell him what your response was!
Germany: ...
Germany: 'Yes Honey?'
I am not f***ing drunk meme:
Myanmar: *comes back from outside practically drunk*
India: Oh Myanmar! I can't believe how drunk you are!
Myanmar: I am not drunk! *looking pretty woozy*
India: Yes you are!
Myanmar: I am not f***ing drunk! *slurs a bit*
India: Can you tell the time?
Myanmar: Yes *looks at the clock for a few seconds and points at it* I am not f***ing drunk! *was literally high right now*
India: *facepalms*
Headache Incorrect Quote:
America: Yeah I have this headache that comes and goes...
Interpol: *walks in*
America: Yep, there it is again
Violence is never the Answer Meme:
Malaysia: Violence is never the answer!
Martial Law: You're right!
Malaysia: Wait...
Martial Law: Violence is the question and the answer is yes!
Malaysia: Whyyyyy?
I will punch you softly Meme:
North Korea: Nekomi stop being so cute or I'll punch you in the lips!
Nekomi: ...
North Korea: Very softly!
Nekomi: ???
North Korea: With my lips!
Nekomi: *blushing*
The Dumb stuff Vine:
Indonesia: I've done a lot of dumb stuff!
Malaysia: I have witnessed the dumb stuff
Netherlands: I have recorded the dumb stuff
Philippines: I joined you in the dumb stuff
A/N *insert heavy wheezing* This was too funny! xD

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...