I Don't Like You...

509 9 78

Ft. Bangladesh Army x Palestine

It was a very sunny yet slightly cloudy day while the air was cool. A perfect day to go outside and have fun. Also it's one of those days to have a picnic with friends and family or probably your significant others. Though it was one of those days where certain country by the name Palestine was running down the streets to meet up with another certain country by the name Bangladesh Army.

"Oh hell I am so late!!" Palestine thought as she ran down the streets and basically being careful as to try and not bump into anyone people or country. She seriously just wished Iraq didn't have to go through so much as to pick an outfit for her. She could have just worn what she usually wore but Iraq insisted and it just made her end up a bit late. After a few minutes Palestine had reached her destination but the problem is that she wasn't paying attention so she accidentally bumped into someone and fell over.

"I am sorry I wasn't-" She cut herself off when she realized that she basically fell over Bangladesh Army and basically became a blushing mess. "S-sorry!" She said getting up while helping Army get up. "It's fine really. I wasn't paying attention myself." Army said dusting himself off.

"Are you okay tho?" he asked Palestine hoping she wasn't hurt or anything. Palestine shook her head. "I am good!" She said smiling. That smile always made Army smile back. "O-oh I got these for you." Army said holding out a bouquet of flowers which happen to be Faqqua Iris flowers.

Palestine was very shocked and surprised that Army brought her a bouquet of her national and favorite flowers. Se smiled and gladly took the flowers and immediately got a whiff of the flowers' scent. It felt really nice and calming.

"Thank you, Army. You really didn't have to get me flowers." Palestine said as Army shook his head. "I didn't mind buying them for you. I was just walking by the flower shop and immediately saw them and they reminded me of you so I couldn't help but buy them." Army said nervously scratching his neck as Palestine smiled.

"Again thanks for the flowers." Palestine said as Army nodded. "Sure now come one I need to show you something!" He said gently grabbing Palestine's hand as he guided her to wherever he was going. No kidding but they were both blushing messes since they were holding each others hands. After a while they reached the hill side area and it made Palestine's eyes fill with shock and wonder.

(Here's a picture reference cause why not?!)

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(I have a knack for being overly creative lol! Also ignore the couple!)

"This is beautiful!" Palestine exclaimed! Army smiled since he always loved it when Pales looked excited. It always seemed to warm his heart seeing her all happy and excited. "Well I always knew how you loved hilly areas where you could see the sunset so I found this area and thought about bringing you here just so we could enjoy the sunset together." Army said and was surprised to be suddenly hugged by Palestine.

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