Normally I don't really promote books but I thought of doing it for purposes knowing there's a lot of South Asians who want to see there countries so here are the books have found so far on South Asians!
A Deep Fantasy [COUNTRYHUMANS FANTASY AU] by Ashy_Oof!
I know it doesn't have all South Asians other than Bangladesh, India and Pakistan BUT this book is a MUST read! This is basically her own AU with her own version of fantasy and I will be honest it's my favorite so far! You better read this book or I swear imma hunt you down and fight you! >:) But please do check them out!
A perfect match by Ashy_Oof!
Yes this is basically a soulmate AU! I love this book as well as the first one I mentioned! Please do read this book! It's very good and you guys will enjoy it like I did! <3 Me and Ashy would be very grateful if you did read this!
Incorrect Quotes Books (SAARC Countries because they need love) by MyNameIsOnions!
Yes these are my favorites and the first ever South Asian countries book I found here! Up to this point there are three books! Most likely there would be more in the near future! Please check these out and if you do I will give you free hugs and a free GOAT if that's possible! ;-;
A/N Yeah that's technically it! I would have promoted more but my back hurts for some ungodly reason!
CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...