Technically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever!
Tho this book will f...
Bangladesh Army and Palestine: *on a date at a nearby lake and are just talking with each other*
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Palestine: *giggling* Oh my- Did your brother actually do that?
Bangladesh Army: Heh! Yeah he did! He was a literal mess when he tried to ask out Iraq like dude he just threw his phone across the room and luckily it didn't get damaged a lot! But he did faint when Iraq said yes.
Meanwhile somewhere not so far yet not so close~
The Shipping Squad (Bangladesh, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nekomi Japan and South Korea): *just looking at the two couples with their own ship faces*
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South Korea: This is by far the best ship!
Philippines: I agree but all the ships are the best!
Malaysia: I swear they seem to be having fun!
Indonesia: Agreed!
Nekomi Japan: I can see Palestine blushing-
Bangladesh: They are deffo flirting :3
Bangladesh Army: *was legit flirting with Palestine at the moment*
Palestine: *was getting flustered and covering her blushing red face with her hands* Oh my god stop! >/////<
Bangladesh Army: *chuckling* Come on you look cute when you are flustered *smirks* But you know-
Palestine: Hmm? *looks at Army*
Bangladesh Army: For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on.
(A/N: Oh god help me...)
Palestine: *instantly turns red in the face and becomes flustered*
Bangladesh Army: *slightly laughing at her flustered face*
Palestine: Oh my god not funny! >////< *pushes Army's arm in embarrassment without thinking*
Bangladesh Army: Holy- *falls into the lake*
The Shipping Squad: ...
South Korea: Well that happened-
Bangladesh: Wait for it-
Palestine: Oh God-
Bangladesh Army: *resurfaces from the water and pulls Palestine and drags her into the water*
Palestine: Kyaaa-! *falls into the lake*
Philippines: Oh wow!
Malaysia: i saw that coming!
Nekomi Japan and Indonesia: Same!
Bangladesh Army and Palestine: *was still in the water*
Palestine: *was holding onto Army* By God it's cold!
Bangladesh Army: *chuckling while holding Palestine* I can see that you aren't a strong swimmer now are you?
Palestine: Oh shush! *blushes and looks away*
Bangladesh Army: Oh come on! I want to see that cute blushing face of yours *smirks while grabbing her gently by the chin to make her face him and gives him a kiss on the lips*
Palestine: *kisses back sheepishly*
Indonesia: South quickly take this picture before it's too late!
South Korea: *takes the picture* Got it and this looks mighty fine!
Malaysia: Send it to us on our shipping group chat!
Nekomi Japan: I swear if they are planning on doing-
Philippines: shush! *covers Bangladesh's ears* the innocent bean is here!
Bangladesh: *confused* ??? :3
(I am the same as Bangladesh! I is an innocent woman! :3)
Nekomi Japan: Oh sorry! ;-;
Philippines: ÙwÚ *thinks* Must protecc innocent bean!
South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia: *was still fangirling*
Bangladesh: *being innocent as heck* :33333
A/N Yeah... Don't ask! I just got a weird idea and boom! It's now a thing to share! Basic Communism folks! Hope you guys enjoyed this! <3