Confessions are Hard!

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Ft. Myanmar x India

It was a rather cloudy day and cold day. By that you can already tell that Winter had already rolled in and at any moment there was going to be snowing but at this point it was just the cold wind and no snow. The ASEAN countries were staying with ASEAN himself for the entire month just to spend some time and Christmas together when it came and all!

The ASEAN countries were just chatting and hanging about but only Myanmar wasn't doing any of that. He was just, well, you could say he had a lot on his mind at the moment. He really wanted to confess to India about his feelings towards her. He really liked her and he seriously hated Sweden for always trying to make a move with her.

Was he jealous? Not really but he was somewhat protective and a bit jealous too! He didn't realize someone sitting down next to him and was calling his name.

"Myanmar!" Somebody finally shouted which snapped Myanmar out of his thoughts and he looked at the person who shouted his name to see Cambodia. He had a face which showed that he was worried about Myanmar.

"Ah! Sorry Cam! I wasn't paying attention and I guess I was just lost in thought..." Myanmar said apologizing. "You thinking of India Myan?" Cambodia said with a small smirk on his face. He knew too well about Myanmar's crush on india. Myanmar slightly blushed when Cambodia brought that up.

"You know me too well Cam..." Myanmar mumbled loud enough for Cambodia to hear him. "Why don't you just confess your feelings to her? I am sure she feels the same way!" Cambodia said trying to encourage him but that probably didn't help much.

"That's the thing Cambodia! It's just really hard confessing to her. One time I came to her and gave her flowers and I blew up my chance to confess. Man why are confessions so hard... It sure as hell wasn't hard for Bangladesh Army, Nepal and Pakistan to confess theirs'." Myanmar said huffing out and legit slouching on the couch right now while Cambodia put a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen man. I am just saying this cause if you don't man up and confess to her now, you will be too late and somebody might take her away before you do so get 'em tiger!" Cambodia said giving him some courage. Myanmar slowly got up and looked at Cambodia.

"You are right! I am gonna go now and just try not mess this one up!" Myanmar said most as he got a boost of confidence to confess to India. "Thanks Cam!" Myanmar said as Cambodia smiled. "Anytime Myan!" Cambodia said as he watched Myanmar walk towards the door.

"Myanmar where are going?" Myanmar heard ASEAN asking him. "I am going outside for a bit but don't worry I will be back soon!" Myanmar told ASEAN as he nodded and saw Myanmar walk out the door. He started to text India just so she could meet up with him one place.

Hey Dia! I was wondering if you were free? :Myanmar

India: Yeah I am! Sorry for replying late!

It's alright! Say I was hoping if you would come to the beach in my country? I really need to talk to you about somethings! :Myanmar

India: Yeah sure! I will be there as soon as possible! See ya!

Yeah you too! :Myanmar

At this stage Myanmar's hands were sweaty as heck! He was very nervous. He took a fast train which was about to go to his country and he was glad he too that one cause the next one would be coming in very late. After a few minutes the train came to a stop and he got off from it.

He saw that she was a few minutes early but he headed for the beach anyways.Once he arrived, he was glad that the beach was in good shape and that no one was here. He also noticed how the sun would be going down soon and hoped India would be here as well to watch it with him. He sat down on the somewhat warm and cool sand and waited for India.

(A/N ignore the man in the picture folks!)

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(A/N ignore the man in the picture folks!)

After a few minutes Myanmar saw India running up to him. He was glad to see her hear on time but two minutes early. Well the earlier the better!

"Hey Myan! Sorry if I am late!" India said apologizing as she took a seat next to Myanmar. "It's alright! You were right on time!" Myanmar said as she looked at India's face which was now looking at the sun which was setting.

"Wow! It's been a while since I have seen a sunset like this!" India said as her face was awed by the sunset. Myanmar smiled and nodded. "Yeah me too." He said as they both watched the sun go down. India rested her head on Myanmar's shoulder in which Myanmar flinched a bit.

"Sorry!" India said apologizing and was about to remove her head but Myanmar stopped her. "It's alright. I just didn't see that coming." Myanmar said slightly blushing as India giggled. "Okay so what did you want to talk about?" India asked as Myanmar just remembered what he was supposed to do.

"Oh yeah um... I swear whatever I am gonna say is stupid..." Myanmar said as India just looked at him. "Hey Myan it's alright. You know you can tell me everything." India said reassuring Myanmar.

"Yeah but I am scared it might ruin our friendship." Myanmar said as India shook her head. "Whatever you say will ruin our friendship. I promise!" India said as Myanmar looked at her Blue eyes. He would get lost just looking at those eyes right about now.

Myanmar took a deep breath and exhaled. "I like you. More then a friend." Myanmar said as India was now slightly blushing and had a shocked face. "God this was stupid." Myanmar mumbled and was about to leave but India stopped him and gave him a kiss on the cheek which made Myanmar shocked and looked at India with a blushing face.

"I like you the same way." India said as she looked down fiddling with her fingers. Myanmar came closer to her and gave her a quick kiss on the kips which India returned back. After that Myanmar hugged India and brought her closer to him. India smiled and returned the hug.

"I am glad." Myanmar said.

BONUS!! (I know I am evil! Fite me-!)

Believe it or not, All the ASEAN countries were there spying on them. How they know that Myanmar was gonna confess here? Well let's say somebody knew him better so they guessed and were here and even ASEAN was here and were grinning like the shippers they were.

"I knew he was gonna do it!" Cambodia whisper yelled from the trees. "I am so happy that Myanmar finally did it! Wait till I tell Nekomi, S.K and Bangladesh about this!" Philippines said as she had the picture of the two kissing.

"He didn't worry for nothing! I knew India would like him back!" Laos whisper shouted back as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam PKI, Del Pilar, Martial Law and MPaja were just smirking and smiling. ASEAN was proud right now!

Philippines was legit getting ready to send this to the group chat she was in and boy people were gonna be hyped except for Sweden who also liked India but of course she hates him and all!

A/N Yeah hahaha! I am totally fine right now! I am sorry of this feels rushed! I hope you all like this tho! <3

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