America has Gone too Far!

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Note: Before you read this I just want to clarify that it's not directed at anyone or any Americans here. It's just what some people think of Bangladeshi people because of the crap that has been happening in the country! Not all Bangladeshis are like this it's just... idk some people!

Bangladesh and Bangladesh Army: *on a fast train to America's country*

Bangladesh Army: May I ask why we are even going there?

Bangladesh: Come on big brother! I just want to pay him a visit! Been a while since we have seen him!

Bangladesh Army: ... *Lets out a sigh* fine...

Bangladesh: yay!

After awhile~

Bangladesh and Bangladesh Army: *gets off the train and looks around*

Bangladesh: Come on let's go! *walks off*

Bangladesh Army: Alright I am coming just don't run off! *follows Bangladesh*

Bangladesh: *was looking around until she noticed some people running* What's going on?

Bangladesh Army: *also notices the problem and saw a few glimpses of tear gas near the parliament* What the he- oof! *slightly bumps into someone* Sorry!

Bangladesh: What happened back there?

Random Lady: There were a few Trump supporters causing riot near the Parliament! *runs off*

Bangladesh: Brother let's go check!

Bangladesh Army: Hey hey! It could be dangerous!

Bangladesh: Ame could need our help so come on! *walks off towards the Parliament*

Bangladesh Army: *takes in a deep breath and exhales* fine wait up! *runs towards her*

Meanwhile at the Parliament~

America: *legit at the parliament and looks at the mess which was created by the Trump Supporters* Tch! Bunch of idiots! *clearly annoyed*

UK: *walks up to him* Son what happened?!

America: *slightly grits his teeth* Oh I will tell you what happened!! A bunch of these Trump Supporters just got the f***ing audacity to cause a riot here and now the police officers had to throw tear gas at these people to stop them and they still caused a huge as heck mess here!

UK: Okay son calm down before you say something you don't mea-

America: You know how Bangladesh's people in her country are?!

UK: Son-

America: These people don't act like Americans and act more like Bangladeshis!

UK: Son please-

America: And that's why they shouldn't even be here and should be sent to Bangladesh instead because of how much crap there is going on in there!

UK: Son!

America: What?!

UK: *sighs* Bangladesh is right behind you...

America: *eyes widen and looks behind him to see a distraught Bangladesh and a very angered Army*

America: *realizes what he said* Bangla I'm-

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