Myandia, Sovindia or Swendia!

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India: *at home cleaning around the place*

Myanmar: *rings the doorbell of the house*

India: *stops doing whatever and opens the door to see Myanmar* Oh hey Myan! How are you doing?

Myanmar: I am doing good and um here this is for you! *gives her a bouquet of Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn flowers* it's just my gratitude of our friendship *thinks* Yeah and i totally blew up about confessing to you... goddammit brain!

India: *blushes and takes the bouquet of flowers* Woah thanks Myan! *kisses him on the cheek*

Myanmar: *blushes* Y-your welcome! I gotta go now so see you!

India: Alright bye!

Myanmar: *smiles and walks away*


India: *was walking and talking with Soviet until she accidentally trip and nearly fell*

Soviet Union: *catches her before she fell* Are you alright?!

India: *blushes* Y-yeah I am okay I am just a bit clumsy...

Soviet Union: *helps her stand up* Well that's good to hear *kisses her forehead and blushes a bit*

India: *blushes* y-yeah...

Soviet Union: *smiles*

India: Let's just get going...

Soviet Union: *chuckles* yes ma'am!


India: *at a park sitting on a bench while reading a book*

Sweden: *spots her and sits down beside her* Hey~

India: *still not looking away from her book but is annoyed as heck* Yeah I don't wanna deal with you Sweden!

Sweden: Oh come on! I didn't want to make the pretty girl here feel lonely so I thought of sitting here and talking to you!

India: yeah I am not feeling it! Most likely you will flirt me!

Sweden: Aww i thought you liked it when I did! *smirks*

India: *snaps her book close very loudly and hits Sweden in the face and walks away by speed walking*

Sweden: Ow! *rubs his face and sees that India is already gone* ... yeah that doesn't stop me...


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A/N Yeah that's legit me in real life right now while writing this chapter! Don't ask and yeah that's my real life look! xD

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