Bangladesh: *making flower crowns on the field with a smile*
The three idiots- I mean Oman, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania: *legit hiding behind a huge tree while looking at Bangladesh without her noticing*
Mauritania: Is it just me or she looks very pretty today?
Oman: yes she is and is technically someone who I am gonna ask out first!
Saudi Arabia: In your dream Oman! She obviously will like me more!
Mauritania: Shush! I see someone coming!
Nepal: *comes from somewhere towards Bangladesh and sits down in front of her*
Bangladesh: Hi Nepal!
Nepal: Hey Bangla. So what are you up to?
Bangladesh: Making flower crowns and this is for you! *puts the flower crown on Nepal's head*
Nepal: *blushes* You didn't have to make me anything Bangla...
Bangladesh: *faintly blushes* nah I wanted to plus it looks nice on you!
Oman: I swear what does that country have that we don't?
Saudi Arabia: I can be much better boyfriend than him!
Mauritania: You know she's still single but I am gonna go in first and do it!
Oman: No me!
Bangladesh Army: *legit comes out of nowhere* Hello boys! *looks at them dead in the eye*
Saudi Arabia, Oman and Mauritania: *jumps and turns around to see Bangladesh Army*
Saudi Arabia and Mauritania: Nice to see you here Army!
Oman: Hey Army... what brings you here?
Bangladesh Army: *still keeping that scary look* Nothing and if I may ask, what are YOU three doing here?
Oman: Nothing really!
Saudi Arabia: yeah just enjoying the view here!
Mauritania: What he said!
Bangladesh Army: Yeah and by enjoying the view *changes his tone to a dangerous one* you mean staring at my little sister?
Saudi Arabia: Army it's not what you think...
Bangladesh Army: Hah! It's exactly what I think and I can guarantee you that *gets out his Spas 12 and points it at them* no boys like you get to stare at my sister!
Mauritania: Army we can talk about this-
Bangladesh Army: Yeah... no! I am giving you boys three seconds to run before I start shooting...
Saudi Arabia, Oman and Mauritania: *starts to run in the same direction*
Bangladesh Army: *smirks* idiots! *starts shooting at them while running towards their direction*
Bangladesh and Nepal: *hears the sounds of shooting and slight screaming*
Bangladesh: Umm what's going on?
Nepal: *looks behind Bangla to see Army chasing Saudi, Oman and Mauritania*
Bangladesh Army: *laughing like a maniac while shooting*
Saudi Arabia, Oman and Mauritania: have mercy Army!
Bangladesh Army: Now that's a good joke to hear *continues shooting while running*
Saudi Arabia, Oman and Mauritania: *screams like idiots while running*
Nepal: Nothing of your concern Bangla. I think someone's fireworks rockets got out of hand!
Bangladesh: Oh okay! I thought it was gunshots or something!
Nepal: hehe yeah... *thinks* little do you know Bangla...
A/N I got the idea from my friend and we basically started to pick out three countries and came up with Oman, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania since we couldn't find anyone else lol! Again their idea not mine but it was a good idea lol! xD

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...