Note: I legit had a wacko idea so I went with it!
(Author: Start now from 0:04 while reading this!)
Bangladesh Army: *writing a letter while scribbling down what he's writing*
America: *comes around the corner* Hey there! Whatcha doing?
Bangladesh Army: *was thinking of what else to write and looks up at America* Nothing just uh... writing a letter to my sister (Bangladesh)...
America: *sits down on the chair next to the couch* Cool!
Bangladesh Army: heh yeah it's pretty crazy I uh... haven't seen her in years it's uh... it's weird because-
*gunshot noise*
Bangladesh Army: *slightly flinches as blood comes down from his mouth and looks beside him to see America holding a gun*
America: *literally holding a gun which he used to shoot Army*
Bangladesh Army: *was having his hand on the place where he was shot while looking at America with a death glare along with a bit of betrayal and falls 'dead' on the ground*
America: *sees him fall to the ground and turns around while glancing a bit at Army and then looking at the gun in his hands while blinking and just stands in place and sits down on a couch*
America: *lets out a deep sigh while putting his hand on his forehead and letting out a groan and breathes out a bit before looking at Army's dead body on the floor*
America: *inhales and exhales a few times and looks away and gets up from the couch*
Bangladesh Army: *legit comes back from the dead and shoots America with his SPAS 12 while gritting his teeth*
America: *feels a pain in his chest and looks down and removes his hands from his chest to see blood coming out*
America: *eyes twitches and looks at Army with pain*
Bangladesh Army: *keeps a straight face while holding his SPAS 12 and just slightly shrugs*
America: *falls to the ground a few feet away from Army and legit just 'dies'*
Bangladesh Army: *puts his gun down before looking at America and lies back down 'dead' before closing his eyes only to face a picture of him and Bangladesh*
Bangladesh Army and America: *on the floor dead next to each other*
Canada: *comes around corner chuckling to himself* Guys! I just thought of the funniest thing-
America: *legit comes back from the dead and shoots Canada*
Canada: *has a face of shock while averting his eyes downwards to notice he's been shot and blood was coming out and slightly falls on his knees and gets up from the ground to stand up but falls to the ground yet again and lies on it 'dead'*
America: *looks at Canada with an unfazed look and then looks back at Army and shrugs*
Bangladesh Army: *looks at America before lying back down*
America: *does the same*
Australia: *comes around the room only to see the three lying dead on the ground and notices a letter on the ground and picks it up and opens it to read while hearing Army's voice* Dear sister, by the time you read this letter I- *gets shot before he could read the rest*
Canada: *just someone who shot Australia*
Australia: *trying to catch his breath while leaning against the wall*
America: *shoots Australia as well*
Australia: *legit in pain before being shot again*
New Zealand: *was the one who shot Australia before being shot back by Australia*
Australia: *was holding a gun but got shot and was on America's back but got shot yet again and falls to the floor*
Canada: *shoots Australia while in a weird pose on the floor and an annoyed face*
Australia: *was about to shoot Canada but gets shot*
Bangladesh Army: *was the one who accidentally shot Australia but who knows if that was accidental*
Canada: *shoots Army*
America: *on the chair reading a book*
Australia: *shoots Canada*
Bangladesh Army: *shoots Australia*
Australia: *shoots back*
America: *shoots himself*
Bangladesh Army and New Zealand: *shoots Australia*
Australia: *shoots at New Zealand only to get shot for the last time and falls to the floor 'dead'*
*police Siren noises*
Pakistan and India: *was at the house looking around*
India: *whistles* Looks like we got ourselves a blood bath*
Pakistan: Hey Didi listen to this! *holds up the letter and starts reading*
Dear Sister,
By the time you read this, I'll be dead. This is how I think it's gonna happen: America will shoot me and then I'll shoot America and Canada will enter and get shot by America and then Australia will come in and get shot by Canada, America, New Zealand and I multiple times.
Love your brother,
Army.India: *slightly chuckles only to be interrupted by Pakistan*
Pakistan: *continues reading* P.S. Then two countries would read this letter and shoot each other. Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've-
India: *shoots Pakistan*
pakistan: *shoots India*
India: *shoots Pakistan only to be shot again*
Pakistan: *holding two guns and gets shot yet again and falls face first on the ground*
India: *falls to the ground as well*
Bangladesh: *thinks* Why do I get the feeling something weird happened?
A/N The frack did I just write? XD

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...