UK's Cane isn't What it Seems to Be!

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Bangladesh Army: So... 'mom and dad' how have you been doing?

Bangladesh: Bro please...

UK: I have been doing fine Army and please don't talk like that, you know it has been years since I have done that thing and trust me I have changed!

Pakistan: Yeah okay good to know! *was about to walk away but India grabs him firmly and stops him*

India: Paki don't be rude!

France: I am glad to see you four again, I have doing well and I hope you two are doing good too?

Bangladesh: We have! ^v^

France: I am gonna be honest here but your step-brothers took the news of you four being their siblings a bit hard but they weren't so bad as America cause he legit nearly broke down our door but that was our fault mes enfants!

India: No not really miss France it was kinda ours since it was our idea to tell him and the others on it and we made Bangladesh tell Ame and the others!

France: Please no need to call me that! You can call me mom if you want?

Bangladesh: okay! :3

Pakistan: No kidding but telling Ame was a fun show and I won my side of the bet!

Bangladesh Army: Be grateful you got your cash and you are on my good side! Don't push it bro!

Pakistan: I won't! >:)

Bangladesh Army: Tho I have a question tho, did 'dad' actually go into battle with a cane?

Bangladesh: Brother please don't...

UK: Now that you mention it yes but I can assure you that it's not just a cane! *smiles* And the fact that I defeated my enemies with it!

India: That sounds pretty cool!

Bangladesh Army: My question is that how did you tho?

France: And here we go...

UK: *keeps his smile* Well you see my son, as I said earlier my cane isn't exactly an ordinary one and it actually is a sword!

Bangladesh Army: I am sorry what?

India: 0-0

Pakistan: *chokes on his tea* Wait what?!

Bangladesh: Wow! Really?!

UK: *nods* here I will show you *brings out his cane to reveal it's a sword*

India: O-O

Bangladesh: Wow that's so cool!

Pakistan: *still couldn't believe it* 0-0

Bangladesh Army: *was in le shock* ...

UK: *looks at Army* ... Son you okay there?

Bangladesh Army: ...

France: I can tell he went into a state of shock...

Bangladesh: *was shaking him by the shoulders* Bro you in there?

Bangladesh Army: *snaps out of his shock phase* Y-yeah I am good! ._.

UK: You gave me fright there son. Thought you had a heart attack or something.

France: Or worse mon fils!

India: More like internal fainting inside!

Pakistan: Hah! Yeah!

Bangladesh: Well at least that didn't happen!

Bangladesh Army: -_-

A/N I have no words other than me wheezing like hyena! xD

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