When the Sunshine Harem and Water-Lily Harem Meet!

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Note: A water-lily is the National Flower of Bangladesh plus the Water-Lily Harem basically consists of Saudi Arabia, Oman and Mauritania who is basically after Bangladesh!

I basically created this for the sake of laughs and ideas xD

The Sunshine Harem basically consists of America, Japan (Nekomi Japan's older bro) and Spain who is basically after Philippines! xD

Also instead of being called Hindu-Muslim siblings imma call them Mughal Siblings and I go the idea from UwU-countryhumans since she uses it!

Yeah that lol! xD

The Sunshine Harem: *was crouching down to catch their breaths*

Japan: You think we lost him?

Spain: Hopefully we did!

America: I swear it's like Martial is everywhere whenever we are near or looking at Philia!

Japan: Hah! No kidding!

Spain: Does this guy ever not stay close to his sister?

America: That's technically a no!

Water-Lily Harem: *was legit running and had stopped when they saw America, Japan and Spain*

Saudi Arabia: You guys okay?

Spain: yeah we are good Saudi but you and the others look like you ran a marathon or something!

Oman: No kidding! We were running from Bangladesh Army!

Japan: Why?

Mauritania: Cause we were looking at Bangladesh and Army does not like the fact we are in love with her!

America: Well that makes the six of us cause Martial Law here doesn't like us looking and being in love with her sister Philippines!

Saudi Arabia: Oh wow! But I think we lost Army!

Japan: Same with Martial!

Spain: I hope they don't find us or anything...

Oman, America and Mauritania: Agreed!

Martial Law and Bangladesh Army: Well look what we have here!

The Sunshine Harem and Water-Lily Harem: *jumps very violently and looks behind them to see the brothers*

Bangladesh Army: I didn't expect the two Harems to be here! *loads his Spas 12 and points it at the three*

Martial Law: You don't say! *loads his two revolver guns and does the same*

America and Saudi Arabia: RUN!!! *starts running in the same direction*

The rest of the Harems: *follows them*

Bangladesh Army: No kidding they are idiots when they are scared! *runs after them while shooting*

Martial Law: I know right!? *does the same*


Bangladesh and Philippines: *somewhere in the field making flower crowns and talking*

Nepal and Russia: *basically also chatting with eachother while being with the girls*

Everyone: *suddenly hears something*

Nepal and Russia: *looks behind Bangladesh and Philippines to see Martial and Army chasing of the two harems across the field in the very distance*

Philippines: What's that sound?

Russia: it's probably nothing Sunshine!

Bangladesh: How so?

Nepal: It could be someone's fireworks getting out of hand again Water-lily!

Russia: Yeah that's actually something that happened a few times!

Nepal: Exactly!

Philippines: Oh wait really? I never knew! I thought it was gunshots or something!

Bangladesh: Yeah me too! I heard the same sound a few days back!

Nepal and Russia: *thinks* I swear why do those three boys always have to do something like that which will make the overprotective brother chase them while shooting at them?!

A/N: At this point I think Martial and Army will make a great team to knock off the Harem boys! Pfft! This is so damn lit and I am proud for using this idea xD

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