When a few Countries Plan on Spying!

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Bangladesh: *was walking home alone when she gets a great idea and calls Philippines*

Philippines: *picks up the phone* Hello Bangla! Wassup?

Bangladesh: You know how my brother and Palestine are going to hang out?

Philippines: yes? Wait- are you implying that we-

Bangladesh: yes and we should do spy on them! Tell Nesia, Malay and Nekomi! Also I know where they are going since I overheard my brother mentioning the place so I will text you on it! Meet you there!

Philippines: okay byeee!!

Bangladesh: byee! *hangs up* Now this will be fun!

A Few moments later~

Bangladesh: *at the place waiting*

Philippines: *comes running* Sorry we are late! We kind of had a major set back that had to be taken care off!

Bangladesh: okay calm down it's fine!

Indonesia: And we brought our brothers except Nekomi's brother!

Malaysia: So yeah sorry about that!

Nekomi: *also walks up to them* Yep!

Bangladesh: It's fine I mean if they get to see this, it will be fun since they are my brother's friends!

Martial Law: *walks up to the girls* next time please don't run off like that!

MPaja: Agreed!

PKI: I swear I think I pulled a muscle while running -_-

Del Pilar: Again lighten up a bit!

Bangladesh: Just saying that you guys are just in time cause they came here a few minutes ago which made hide in a bush now come on! *walks towards the direction*

Everyone Else: *follows*

A/N Just a filler for the upcoming oneshot I am writing and y'all can already tell which one it is! Stay tuned for that cause it may take a while I think!

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