Ft. Mughal Empire, USSR, British Raj (British Bengal, British Army, British Pakistan and British India) and British Empire/Great Britain/Britain/UK (Whatever you guys want to call him cause they are the same dang person!)!
✥ The Mughal Empire technically has crocodile like eye pupils while his irises are normal!
✥ The Mughal Empire is considered a good father even though he was very busy man himself!
✥ Mughal was a bit torn when his wife died but had sworn to keep their children safe and that's what he did for years.
✥ Mughal loved his children equally and saw a bright future coming for them.
✥ Mughal was tricked and slaughtered by Britain in front of his children though he was taken into another room with Britain but the children came to spy on them and only to see their father get killed in front of them minus Bangladesh cause Bangladesh Army was quick enough to close Bangla's eyes as quick as possible so she could not see it!
✥ Mughal is basically in heaven with his wife and a few others!
✥ Mughal is basically planning on killing Britain if he ever got the chance and is very protective of Bangladesh when it came to the water-lily harem and randomly is protective of India when USSR was alive and yeah that!
☭ USSR is technically also considered a good father of 15 kids!
☭ USSR's own kids are basically Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan while the other ten are adopted!
☭ USSR didn't like India romantically or anyway at all and was just using her and leading her on!
☭ USSR was the only one who knew about India's wings before she had got rid of them for good.
☭ USSR still hates America for nearly nuking India but was glad that she was able to save her from being nuked but of course died in the cold war after communism broke!
☭ USSR is technically in heaven but his wife is nowhere to be seen there.
☭ USSR is a bit scared of Mughal since he is India's dad and the fact that he's protective of India.
✵ In my Headcanon, British Raj consisted of British India, British Pakistan, British Army and British Bengal and they were four separate people that made up the whole of British Raj!
✵ British India back then was mostly called British Raj since the other three didn't have their own land and country yet!
✵ British Army's actual name was Army but back when Mughal was alive he was given the title Mughal Army and then so on!
✵ British Pakistan always blamed his older sister for their father's death and if it wasn't for her, Mughal would have been alive!
✵ British Bengal didn't have much of a role back then and was more like forgotten to the world but some countries remembered her and would try to make her feel better.
✵ British India regrets trusting British Empire because if it wasn't for her, their father would have still been alive and things would be the same way it used to be.
✵ British Army has huge insomnia problems and still does and the cause of this was due to Britain killing his dad in front of him and his other siblings but she was glad to cover British Bengal's eyes and the fact that she and him were very young back then!
✵ British Pakistan was also somewhat forgotten but was very mad with British India still and mostly picked up fights with her.
✵ British Bengal was basically taken away from her brother, British Army who was taken for training with Britain but she knew nothing would go right as Britain was very harsh!
✵ British India was mostly tortured to go into battle but always refused to which made Britain very mad.
✵ British Army was lets say, when he was taken away from British Bengal he was taken to training for war purposes and stuff but all of this training led to Britain either injuring him badly and torturing him whenever he failed some training and calling him 'weak' and 'pathetic' which also made Army call him a 'hypocrite' for many other reasons and also many reasons why he still wears bandages on his arms since his injuries are pretty serious and he has to wear them for years on end!
✵ British Pakistan was just seen as 'nothing' and a 'failure' in British Empire's eyes which made Pakistan's hatred for him grow even more.
✵ British Bengal didn't do much other than see the world go in chaos and sometimes being dragged into things!
✵ When the British Raj Era broke, the partition of India and Pakistan happened and Britain forgot to tell who would get Jammu and Kashmir.
✵ Also British Bengal and British Army were now known as either East Pakistan or East Bengal and East Pakistan Army or East Bengal Army!
✵ Basically the Jammu and Kashmir crisis kind of let India and Pakistan cause an Indo-Pak War between them like two times and the UN tried stopping this and was somewhat successful or maybe fully who knows?!
✵ East Bengal or Bangladesh was basically upset whenever she saw his two older sister and brother fight and it caused her left eye to become corrupt and she always hid it with an eye-patch and trust me none of his siblings knew about this! (idk guys just bear with me)
✵ Pakistan wasn't himself when he did all of this when he made Bangladesh, East Pakistan and did a bunch of crap to her people and more like he was being controlled a bit and the third Indo-Pak war was for Bangladesh's Independence which was successful after a fight as Pakistan came back to his senses!
✵ Also during the war for independence lets say when Pakistan surrendered Bangladesh Army legit went into his dark ego mode and nearly killed Pakistan but Pakistan was able to shoot him in the chest but of course not to kill him but to bring him back to his senses after he which was successful.
✵ Bangladesh somewhat feels like a failure when it comes to India and Pakistan fighting but Bangladesh Army is always there to help her.
♕ British Empire... what's to say about this guy in the past who basically has three more names which are Great Britain, Britain and United Kingdom!
♕ British Empire is considered a tyrant way back in the 18th-19th century!
♕ He isn't considered a good father to British Raj Siblings and was very cruel!
♕ He wasn't even a good father much to his own son America but they apologized later on!
♕ Britain is basically the supplier of independence to many countries he either controlled or colonized or whatever!
♕ Britain is the Mughal Siblings' step father along with France who is their step-mother!
♕ UK has some forms of regret for his actions but he's same old same old at times!
A/N Yeah this is basically the second batch of headcanons for the CH characters here! I am planning on releasing more soon! :D

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...