Note: Not sure if any of you guys know about the situation with Bangladesh and Myanmar then read to find out! I will elaborate on it later at the end in case you guys don't get!
~At the Mughal Siblings' House~
Bangladesh and Myanmar: *sitting across each other while looking at the other while hoping someone would speak*
Bangladesh Army: *just leaning against the kitchen doorway looking at the two*
Bangladesh: ...
Myanmar: ...
Bangladesh: Okay we need to talk about the current situation i am dealing with which happens to be related to you-
Myanmar: *gives out a clap while slightly leaning against the couch* saw it coming!
Bangladesh: Normally I would like let it go just to see if it would end soon but it's getting pretty serious!
Myanmar: Yeah I know.
Bangladesh: You do know I am talking about the Rohingya Crisis right?
Myanmar: Yeah I know cause it's been going on for what? 3 years?
Bangladesh: Make that 3 and a half years to be exact! Listen I don't have anything against them taking refuge in my country from some guy who had the decency to kill them or kick them off your country because they weren't Buddhists but Muslims.
Myanmar: Listen I never planned on making this happen and I am trying to sort it out! I know it's kind of wrong right now.
Bangladesh: The fact that they don't have homes and we already planned on sending them to an island like area to stay for the time being before they can go back after things are sorted out with your country. Is that okay?
Myanmar: *thinks for a bit* I think that would be good! I don't want you to be burdened with this crisis.
Bangladesh: It's alright Myan! At least we came to an agreement on this solution.
Myanmar: *nods* I will try and fix things. I promise you that! *gets up from the couch to leave*
Bangladesh: hey you could stay for lunch you know. We wouldn't mind having you for a bit.
Myanmar: *looks back and shakes his head* It's fine. I have some business to take care of. Tell India I said hi! *walks out the door*
Bangladesh Army: *was still leaning against the kitchen door while watching Myanmar walk out the door and looks back at Bangladesh* Well... at least that's sorted out.
Bangladesh: *nods* yep! I am glad it is!
Bangladesh Army: I am gonna go back and fix up lunch before those two come back from whatever they are doing right now in their country.
Bangladesh: *smiles and nods* okay!
A/N PLEASE READ!!! Okay so I will elaborate on the problem! You see the Rohingya crisis started from mid 2017! It had to do with someone in Myanmar killing on non-Buddhists who said that there is going to be people of one religion and this happened due to most people in the country being Hindus so most people escaped from Myanmar to Bangladesh to take refuge and a lot of people died and survived while escaping to the country by sea or maybe by crossing the border. Up to this point, the Rohingyas are the most discriminated Muslims and this crisis has been going on for nearly four years! Basically the Rohingyas are now being sent to an island and hopefully things will go back to normal in Myanmar so they can go back home. I basically know up to this point plus I am not sure if I said everything correctly but eh! You get the idea but correct me if I am wrong anywhere!
Yeah that's technically about it!
Hope you guys enjoyed this! <3

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...