*Bangladesh is online*
Bangladesh: *sends a picture of Bangladesh Army and Palestine*
Bangladesh: Hehe!
Pakistan: Holy hell! Little bro just got himself a girlfriend!
India: This picture is cute!
Philippines: i know right!?
Indonesia: Me, Bangladesh, Philippines, Malaysia, Del Pilar, MPaja, PKI, Martial Law and Nekomi were spying on them!
Nekomi: Yup!
Japan: how come I wasn't invited?
South Korea: Aww man! I wanted to spy on them too!
Malaysia: Sorry Jap and South! Next time we will bring you! :)
USA: I just came on now and this is the greatest day off my life so far!
Russia: hehe same here!
Belarus: SHIP!!!!
Canada: Hehe hell yess!! Now we need to prepare their wedding!
Ukraine: Slow your roll Canada! they just got together today but yeah I am on with you for that wedding plan!
Nepal: They look cute together!
Myanmar: Hell yeah boi!
Hong Kong: This is seriously going to the ship list!
Czech Republic: Woah!
Slovakia: it was about time those two got together!
Vietnam: Time for a ship name!!!
China: oh lordy!
Nekomi: How about Armestine for their ship name?
Del Pilar: Sounds pretty cool!
Martial Law: it's nice!
MPaja: Agreed!
PKI: yeah!
North Korea: Well congrats for those two I guess!
Spain: Now this is sweet!
Qatar: uhhh what's going on?
Finland: It's about Bangladesh Army and Palestine! They are boyfriend and girlfriend now!
Qatar: Ohhh I see!
Kazakhstan: Wait what?! This is so cool!
Estonia: Agreed!
Germany: Oh boy!
Poland: Hell yes a new ship has come true!
Germany: indeed!
Sweden: Never knew Army was soft!
Finland: He isn't but he is at times!
Brazil: Is it just me or do I see India's little brother, Army now has a girlfriend?!
India: yep he has a girlfriend now!
Argentina: EEEEE!!!
South Africa: This calls for a celebration folks!
USA: Hell yeah!
Russia: You got it!
China: This just got chaotic but congrats on your brother Bangla!
Bangladesh: Thanks China!
New Zealand: I just came back to see this! I swear this made my day!
Australia: Same!
Hong Kong: I am legit fangirling right now!
Poland: Same!
Iraq: REEEEEEE-!! Same!!!
Netherlands: Hell yes same here guys!
PKI: oh and another thing here is that the couple saw us spying on them thanks to somebody accidentally squealing very loud!
Nekomi: i am sorry okay?! I normally don't squeal so hard like this!
MPaja: ha yeah sure!
Nekomi: :(
Del Pilar: Pfft- yeah we even had to run for our lives!
Martial Law: And the fact that he didn't chase us other than giving us a murderous look!
Pakistan: Huh! No wonder those two aren't online! xD
Iraq: yup I can totally see why now!
Nepal: Yeah cause they Army probably would've come here by now all surprised and all! xD
Myanmar: So true lol!
Czech Republic: I am so gonna get ready to tease the two!
Poland: Oh boy!
Germany: Yeah I am scared now! ;-;
Slovakia: You should be y'know!
North Korea: This just got good!
Bangladesh: Well I guess the people who spied with me has to hide or get ready for impact after Czech is done torturing the poor souls!
Philippines: yep!
Indonesia: Yeah!
Malaysia: Agreed!
Nekomi: Yeh... ._.
Vietnam: Whelp RIP You guys and the other people!
USA: Anywa Imma head out so night!
*USA left the chat*
Netherlands: Bye guys!
*Netherlands left the chat*
Everyone else: Bye/goodnight/see you/night!
*Everyone has left the chat*
A/N Yeah... don't ask but I had to! I hope y'all enjoy this! xD

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...