Nepal: *lying down in his king size bed while talking to Bhutan*
Bhutan: *through the phone* I don't even know how to ask her out-
Nepal: You do know it's not so hard to ask out Tibet right? I mean come on you guys have been friends for years!
Bhutan: Easy for you to say Mr. Smooth!
Nepal: Oi! No one asked yo- *sees the entire room go black*
Bhutan: Nepal? You there?
Nepal: Yeah I am good! I think there is a power cut in my area cause my entire house is dark right now!
Bhutan: Oh... You okay there buddy?
Nepal: Yeaahhh totally good! I will talk to you later!
Bhutan: Okay bye! *hangs up*
Nepal: Bye! *puts his phone down and gets up* I swear I wonder how some people are able to see in this dark- *trips over a stool* oof! *gets up* Yeah... Now I hope they fix the situation or I am not gonna survive... *slowly and cautiously goes down stairs and to the kitchen to get some water*
Nepal: *somehow reaches the kitchen safely without tripping and bumping into things and manages to grab the fridge handle* Now let's see where the ice cold water is... *carefully rummages through the fridge to find a bottle like shape object and takes it out*
Nepal: I think this is it? *shakes it a bit to hear liquid sounds* Yeah pretty much is *closes the fridge and sits down at the table carefully and opens the lid of the bottle and starts drinking and thinks* tastes weird... eh whatever! *continues drinking till the bottles finished*
After some time~
Bangladesh: *legit walking to Nepal's house with a flashlight* Man this place is dark! The power-cut probably won't be fixed soon and good thing Bhutan called me *knocks on Nepal's door* Nepal you in there? *knocks a few time and after a while gets out the spare key which she was given and opens the door*
Bangladesh: Nepal you in here? *walks around the place while pointing her flashlight in random areas and goes to the kitchen to find Nepal putting his head down on the table while holding a bottle of wine which rested on the table* Oh boy he's drunk... *goes to him and pokes him in the head* Nep you alive?
Nepal: *legit groaning* Yeah...
Bangladesh: *sighs* Lemme get you to bed *helps him up while somehow carrying him upstairs by the shoulder and takes him to his room*
Nepal: *slightly slurring* I don't wanna go to bed...
Bangladesh: I am sorry but this is for your own good plus I am staying here until the power is back *makes him lie down*
Nepal: Then sleep with meeeee...
Bangladesh: Sorry Nep I can't *was about to sit down elsewhere but was pulled back by Nepal which made her lay down beside him* Eep-! *blushes*
Nepal: Pleeeeaaassse??
Bangladesh: *sighs in defeat* Alright I will do it for you.
Nepal: *smiles and dozes off to sleep*
Bangladesh: *legit notices that Nepal fell asleep and thinks* Hmm! He fell asleep. I think I should go... *tries to get up but couldn't since Nepal had a strong grip and thinks* Nope can't... help... ;-;
A/N Yeah I got the idea from sunflower_anne's OTP question answers and yeah I got inspire to write this bull! xD Hope y'all enjoy this!

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...