Everyone's Reaction to India and Pakistan getting along to Defeat Covid-19!

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(Credits to Ashy_Oof)

The Countries Reaction:

Bangladesh: *v* Yessssssssss!!!!

Bangladesh Army: After f***ing 74 years you two decide to f***ing get along and work together!

Bhutan: I swear are my eyes deceiving me?!

America: *basically wiping his sunglasses* I am asking the same thing!

Nepal: *speechless*

Afghanistan: WOOHOO!!

Maldives and Sri Lanka: FINALLY!!!!

Canada, New Zealand and Australia: *insert very happy noises*

Russia: *bangs hand on table* Наконец вы двое работаете вместе (Finally you two are working together)!

Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Estonia: *basically celebrating*

Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia: *having a moment of peace at this*

China: -_-

UK and France: *doesn't really have anything to say*

Germany: *let's out a sigh of relief* oh thank the lord!

Japan: *basically have a moment of relief*

Nekomi Japan: *jumping around* yes yes yes!!!

South Korea: That's so great!

North Korea: eh...

Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-!!!

Martial Law, Del Pilar, PKI and MPaja: *basically at peace from the two bickering* ;-;

Qatar: *breathes in silence and peace*

Palestine: That's great! I am happy you two are working together!

Iraq and Iran: YES!

Syria: YEAH!

Algeria: *sighs in relief*

Myanmar: I am happy you guys are getting along!

Turkey: By god thank the lord this has happened!

Greece: Yep!

Every Other Countries: *basically at peace and basically saying words of relief or something*

United Nation: I am so glad this is happening...

European Union: Mhm!

ASEAN: At this point I think this will lead them to be at peace!

NASA: Yeah...

Interpol and FBI: *nodding in agreement*

African Union: At least things will be alright...

NATO: I am hoping they stop their wars tho...

BRICS: Well at least I can tell SAARC will be at peace...

SAARC: *basically feeling good that India and Pakistan are getting along for the first time*

Mine, Ashy, Ashu and Y/N's reaction:

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Amber/Areeba(Me): *getting quacking emotional and happy*

Ashy: *crying tears of joy*

Ashu/Pearl: *literally screeching while being very happy*

Y/N: *doing whatever you guys are feeling atm*

India and Pakistan's reaction to this:

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India and Pakistan: *sweat-dropping while thinking the world's gone mad*

A/N LOL It be true thanks to Ashy here! I am currently like this rn and I can't stop smiling! xD

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