Happy Independence (Birthday) Day Bangladesh (and Bangladesh Army)! <3

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Note: Yeah so um... I haven't updated in a while and I can explain by saying I may have sort of fell out of the fandom but don't worry I will still update this! 

Also Happy Independence Day for Every Bangladeshis!

Warning: Very short because I literally gave up and trashy! Plus new way of writing! 

It was a bright yet cloudy morning. The birds were singing as the flowers swayed in the wind. Tho today was no ordinary day. It was the day of Independence. Bangladesh's Independence Day to be exact. In a sense it was also her birthday too along with Bangladesh Army's.

Bangladesh smiled as she woke up and wore the teal colored Salwar Kameez which had red embroidery on it. She was greeted by her two older siblings, India and Pakistan wishing her a happy birthday and happy independence day altogether.

She knew that Army was also going to spend time with her to celebrate their independence and birthday! She smiled as she stood. She was proud of herself to come this far in life. After Army got ready, Bangla and him both exited the house bidding their two siblings farewell as they walked towards the fast train to go to Dhaka for the festivities!

As they arrived they saw how everyone was in different clothing of every color which were mostly red, yellow and green. It was nice to see everyone happy and celebrating the holiday. Bangla smiled as she looked around. Army was also looking at the joyous faces that everyone had. If their father was still alive, he would have been proud of both of them.

There were many things that Bangladesh and Army attended on their Independence. There were parades, fairs, concerts and many other festivities that took place today. It was actually one of the best birthdays and Independence that the Bengali Twins had.

After they were done and returned home, they went onto their gift exchange. It was basically a tradition between them that they would give each other gifts which weren't too expensive and simple.

Army got Bangla a Royal Bengal Tiger plushie since she knows her sister loves those things and Bangla didn't know what to give Army this year so she got a picture frame and put a picture of her, Army, India and Pakistan in a recent photo they took a while back and of course Army loved it.

They got many presents and things from other countries like India got Bangla a new Saree and Army a new Punjabi since she really wanted to give them something like this from her country and Pakistan got them both handicraft related things which were very pretty to be honest.

Heck even their significant others got them nice gifts like Nepal gave Bangla a water-lily pendant and Palestine gave Army a black handmade jacket which was really nicely made. The both loved their gifts from them and their other friends.

It was a pretty and really good Independence Day and Birthday for them both.

A/N Yeah I kinda gave up on writing this chapter but I tried since I haven't updated his in a long while since 14th March! I kinda slightly fell out of the fandom but that doesn't mean I am leaving it since I have many things planned in this book but updates will be very slow since I will be focusing on two books from different fandoms! I hope you guys understand and enjoyed this trashed up chapter! <3

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