Note: So uh yeah! I basically have the permission to use this AU to write stuff since Ashy_Oof herself said that people can use the AU but they have to credit her! So yeah this is basically what is happening with Bangladesh Army and why he is basically not close to his other siblings since he is in hiding with Palestine! Also this is something you will understand if you read Ashy's book which is titled 'A Deep Fantasy [COUNTRYHUMANS FANTASY AU]' ! So yeah! :D
TW: Slight violence and blood!
Bangladesh Army's Point of View~
((Author: *gasp* I am using a person's POV after years! *note the sarcasm* anyways back to the story!))
I was walking down the streets while looking at the people around me. Things looked normal but not the normal I knew very well. I was of course in my human form as I couldn't go around in my country form since things are a bit too bad for us. Things haven't been the same after humans turned against us Countries and are now hunting us down either to kill us or keep us hostage to find the other country needed.
One of those countries being me since the humans hunting us down somehow knows that Palestine and I are close. Me and Palestine have been living in the area of Panam Nagar for a while in hiding. I thought that i was best I didn't go with my siblings just so they are safe. I am basically the one being hunted down the most because of how dangerous I am.
I brushed my jet black hair from my face a bit and sighed as I just stood in one spot on the pavement as people walked around me either avoiding me or slightly bumping into me. I am just having that time where I start to worry so much. I am just hoping that the other countries are okay. I know that a few have been killed but I just hoped SAARC and the rest of the SAARC countries were okay. I hoped my siblings were okay without me.
I continued walking until I came across the electronics store where I am very thankful that the Televisions are facing the glass so I could hear and see the news. I was looking through the normal news and was slightly spacing out when another news snapped me out of my thoughts.
"The country, Palestine has been caught lurking around Old Dhaka. She hasn't been killed yet but has been detained in prison for what we know is questioning. If you find any other countries anywhere please report on sight immediately! Stay safe!"
My heart sank at this. "Crap crap crap!" I basically thought to myself. I could tell a few people were beside me looking at the news and I quickly walked away so nobody saw my dreaded reaction.
"How did this happen?!" I thought to myself. "I have to find her before they kill her off for good! But how?" I mumbled to myself. After what felt like a minute a cold wind blew past my left side and I looked to the side to notice a Djinn which only I could see. I looked around to see if anyone was around. When I saw the coast was clear I looked back at the Djinn.
((Author: Before I go into this bull I wanna say that I won't write Pashto because 1. It's gonna take me years to write in ducking form of arabic and 2. I am lazy as heck to go to google translate and I hate it when I use that knowing it is wrong! So basically I am gonna put the dialogues under italic-bold-underline to show them speaking Pashto language! I don't know man I did my studying on Djinns by myself to know this stuff!))
"Speak." I told the Djinn in whatever language Djinns normally speak in which is Pashto. "Miss Palestine was in her human form but something happened. She saw a few guards and tried to walk past them as she could but she tripped and that's when all hell broke loose." The Djinn spoke which made me look at him and nodded so he can continue.

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...