Bangladesh Army hates being Vulnerable!

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Palestine: *was sitting on the couch watching TV until she sudden;y hears a doorbell and a few knocks* Coming! *bolts up and runs to open the door only to see a very wounded Bangladesh Army on her doorstep* Oh god! Army what happened?!

Bangladesh Army: It's nothing it's just- *moves a bit only to hiss in pain and holds the stab wound*

Palestine: Yeah sure it's nothing you are badly wounded! *carefully carries Army by the shoulder and carefully lie on his stomach on the couch and quickly finds a first aid kit*

Bangladesh Army: *grunts slightly in pain* Y-you seriously d-don't have to do t-this Pales...

Palestine: I want to! I can't let you bleed to death! Now can you open your shirt a bit so I can clean and stitch the wound.

Bangladesh Army: *slowly takes off his jacket and pulls up his shirt where the wound is* H-here...

Palestine: *slightly blushes* it's going to hurt a bit *starts to clean the wound*

Bangladesh Army: *slightly tenses up and hisses in pain*

Palestine: *continues to clean the wound*

Bangladesh Army: *falls asleep due to the exhaustion and loss of blood*

Palestine: *notices that Army has passed out* Oh god he passed out but good lord I was able to stop this from bleeding too much and now I need to stitch this *gets to work*

Timeskip brought to you Author-Chan tired on the floor~

Bangladesh Army: *slowly wakes up and looks around to see that he's no longer in the living room and looks at Palestine who has fallen asleep on a spinney chair* Did she seriously bring up here? *slowly sits up and accidentally and cringes at the sound he makes*

Palestine: *slightly wakes up and opens an eye to see Army awake* Oh hey you are awake.

Bangladesh Army: *nods* Sorry to wake you up.

Palestine: It's fine Army I wasn't properly sleeping anyways.

Bangladesh Army: Okay but you really didn't have to bring me up here and just left me on the couch.

Palestine: i didn't think that would be good considering you were badly injured here so I brought you here so you could rest *sits beside Army* Though what happened?

Bangladesh Army: I was walking by your street until I saw three thugs terrorizing a poor girl in an alley way so I basically just saved the girl from them an told her to run while I took down those three I could take down the two but one of them somehow managed to stab me in the stomach but I could take him down and then you get the rest.

Palestine: Oh god but I am glad you are okay.

Bangladesh Army: ... Can I tell you something Pales?

Palestine: Yeah sure you can tell me anything!

Bangladesh Army: It may sound stupid but... it's just that... I hate being vulnerable sometimes... It just makes me look weak and I seriously don't want people to remind me off the times when I was young and how I used to be very weak in my step-father's eyes and that's one of the many reason why I hated Britain a lot...

Palestine: Army look at me. It's okay to be vulnerable and you can't always put up a tough act on in front of everyone. There are times when we all become vulnerable and that's okay and listen whatever your step-father Britain said back then, don't remind yourself of that cause he was wrong *takes one of his hands into hers* Look at you! You are basically an army leader of your own country and protecting your little twin sister, Bangla and she always looks up to you. Army you are a really caring and protective person and everyone loves you for that including me.

Bangladesh Army: ... *hugs Palestine* Thank you Pales.

Palestine: *smiles* Your welcome Army.

Bangladesh Army: *smiles a little*

A/N Yeah I totally just wrote this! I can't help but love these two! yes I created the ship between Bangladesh Army and Palestine! Fite me! Though I am planning something for the net chapter and y'all might like it or die from it xD

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