The Countries as Incorrect Quotes, Vines and Memes! #2

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Those are my Idiots Vine:

SAARC: *just walking around minding his own business until he sees a group of people doing something while two counties are fighting and sighs* Idiots...

SAARC: *takes a closer look and realizes its the SAARC countries and the two fighting are India and Pakistan* Wait... THOSE ARE MY IDIOTS! *runs towards them*

Why is it always you Three Meme:

United Nations: Why is it when something happens, it's always you three?

United Kingdom: *stands there with his cane*

Russia and America: *was also standing there with their arms crossed while feeling annoyed*

China: *just looking from outside through the door's glass window with a smug smile*

I fear no Man Meme:

Third Reich (Nazi Germany): I fear no man.

Third Reich (Nazi Germany): But that thing... *looks at USSR*

USSR: *standing somewhere with his communist flag*

Third Reich (Nazi Germany): It scares me.

How do I get my crush to ask me out Vine:

Czech Republic: How do I get my crush to ask me out?

Slovakia: Well you know how they always say to be yourself?

Czech Republic: *slowly nods*

Slovakia: Well don't do that!

Hydrate or Die-Hydrate Incorrect Quote:


Laos: *aggressively throws water bottles*

Bhutan: Uh...

Thailand: He's trying to yell mental health and well-being into us.


Cambodia: *crying* it's working.

Nothing can make me smile incorrect quote:

Pakistan: I am so sad, nothing can make me smile.


Pakistan: No.


Pakistan: Don't even think about it.

Bangladesh Army: *brings Iraq in the room*

Pakistan: *fighting a smile* God Dammit!

Nicknames Incorrect Quote:

Palestine: Army and I don't have pet names for each other.

Iraq: Uh huh...

Iraq: So do you know what bees make?

Palestine: Honey?

Bangladesh Army: *from the kitchen* Yes babe?

Iraq: Don't lie to my face again.

Kiss it Better Incorrect Quote:

Nepal: Ow I cut my finger!

Bangladesh: Let me kiss it to make it better!

Nepal: How does that help?

Bangladesh: whenever I got hurt, my sister kissed it to make it better. It always worked!



Bhutan: *was minding his own business when he sees Nepal* Oh hey Nepal-

Nepal: Bhutan, I need you to punch my lips really really hard.

No F*** off it's mine Vine:

Myanmar: This is mine *pulls India close to him* and I am taking this with me.

Sweden: *comes around the corner* Can I have it?

Myanmar: No f*** off! It's mine!!

India: *blushing and sweat dropping*

My Hands are cold meme:

Russia: My hands are cold...

Philippines *holds his hand*

Philippines: Better? *smiles*

Russia: *slightly blushes and accidentally blurts out something*

Russia: My lips are also freezing?

Philippines: *blushes*

A/N yeah hope y'all enjoyed lmao!

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