I Love You My Beautiful Water-Lily!

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Note: Get ready for some cringe cause author really sucks at this shiz! I am dying currently because I watched something which threw me off so bad! ._. Also feel free to look at this meme video! I loved it myself and it's by ꧁Izimations꧂ on YouTube! Check out his work cause it's amazing! <3

Ft. Nepal x Bangladesh Oneshot!

It was a bright and somewhat cloudy morning. It was actually a great weather to just relax and have some fun! Bangladesh was sitting on the field leaning against a tree while reading a book. It was pretty peaceful for the country. Her siblings were probably busy with their own things and I know what you are thinking! She should be too but her older twin brother, Bangladesh Army was taking care of things for her so she could have a day off from her work. She sighed as she looked up at the sky as she saw Dowel birds flying in the sky and hearing them chirp in the trees. It was a pretty nice day out!

While Bangla was distracted she didn't notice another country coming towards where she was and that country happened to be Nepal. "Hey Bangla!" Nepal started as it made Bangla snap from her thoughts and looked at Nepal with a smile. "Hey Nel! How are you doing?" Bangla asked closing her book.

"I am doing pretty great! I thought you would be busy today." Bangla shook her head to this. "I was supposed to be but Army kind of took charge saying I needed a break and stuff! You know how he is! Though I feel like he's getting softer day by day!" Bangla said giggling at the last part. Nepal was trying very hard not to start a nose bleed cause Bangla's giggle was too cute for him.

"Hey you okay? Your face is red!" Bangla asked practically concerned. It's funny how she is oblivious to signs of love sometimes but of course she isn't oblivious to love completely. "Huh? Y-yeah I-I am fine really Bangla." Nepal said scratching his neck in embarrassment. They talked for what seems like forever but it was actually a few hours. Nepal was halfway thinking of asking her out and try confessing his feelings for her but he's just scared that he might be rejected. He took a deep breath and told himself that it won't be bad!

"Hey Bangla?" Nepal stared and he could his palms become sweaty. "Yes?" Bangla said looking at him curiously as to what he's gonna say. Nepal knew that it was now or never. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and you know like we normally do!" Nepal said mentally facepalming at his own stupidity. Bangla was probably blushing a bit right now but she calmed herself before answering.

"Yeah sure! What time?" Bangla asked. "How about at seven. We can meet up at the park if you don't mind?" Nepal asked and Bangla shook her head. "Seven sounds fine and don't worry we can meet up at the park!" Bangla said smiling. "Great I'll- Hold on a sec." Nepal said as he was cut off with his phone ringing.

"What is it Bhutan?" Nepal asked. "You have to come back right now cause Afghanistan legit burned down the kitchen! I repeat she burned down the flipping kitchen!!!" Bhutan screamed through the phone and Nepal was probably thinking hi eardrums were gonna die at some point! "I will be on my way and seriously calm down! You nearly broke my eardrums!" Nepal said hanging up the phone and slowly go up.

"Sorry I kinda have to go cause Afghan legit burned down the kitchen at Bhutan's place and I need to fix some stuff there." Nepal said as Bangladesh nodded. "Sure I don't mind it's pretty understandable." Bangladesh said smiling and now this time Nepal could feel blood about to come down his nose. He quickly waved farewell and ran while wiping the blood of his nose. He seriously needs to control himself from making this happen.

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