When the Mughal Brothers Have Crushes! Ft. Palestine and Iraq!

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Mughal Siblings and Filipino Siblings: *hanging out together in the Mughal Siblings house*

Bangladesh Army: *was talking to Martial until he suddenly got a call* I will be right back! I have to take this! *gets up and goes to the kitchen to talk*

Martial Law: ... *got very suspicious* Hey Bangla?

Bangladesh: Yes?

Martial Law: Isn't it your brothers break or something?

Bangladesh: Yes it is! Why do you ask?

Martial Law: Your brother just went into the kitchen since he got a call and all and you know we all excuse ourselves if it's something important!

India: I am sure it has something to do with work! Not like he's gonna come out from there and say he has to go somewhere for something important!

Pakistan: *gets a text and quickly gets of the chair*

Del Pilar: Hey dude! Where are you going?

Pakistan: I- uh have to meet up with a friend and I promised that I will be there so uh see ya later pal! *wears his freaking shoes and goes out the door*

Del Pilar: okay... that was weird

Philippines: no kidding!

Bangladesh Army: *comes out of the kitchen and grabs his coat*

Bangladesh: Bhai where are you going?

Bangladesh Army: Uhhhh... somewhere? Anyway gotta go! *walks out the door and breaks into a run*

Martial Law and Del Pilar: That was weird!

Bangladesh: No kidding! But why am I getting vibes that they are going to meet up with someone?

Philippines: Aren't they friends with a few people?

India: To be honest yes so I think- wait... I think Pakistan went to hangout with Iraq and Army went to meet up with Palestine!

Philippines: How do you know?

India: I know my siblings k? Also Army and Palestine are also good friends and same with Pakistan and Iraq!

Bangladesh: Hey let's spy on the two to see what's happening!

Philippines: Okay! Me, Bangla and Martial will spy on Army while Del and India spy on Paki!

Del Pilar: YES!

Martial law: Do I need to go?

India: yes you do!

Martial Law: Fine -_-

With Bangladesh, Philippines and Martial Law~

Martial Law: Any idea where they could be?

Bangladesh: No clue but I saw him go in this direction so probably somewhere around here!

Philippines: *was looking around until he spots Army and Palestine and pulls Bangla and Martial into a bush*

Martial Law: Philia what was that fo-

Philippines: Shush! look over there! *points at a direction*

Bangladesh: *looks over at what Philippines is pointing at*

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