She's a, She's a Lady...

380 7 18

Ft. Bangladesh Army x Palestine

Palestine walked towards the grassy forest clearing. It was a really nice weather today. It wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. She loves coming to these parts of the forest since she would mostly sit by the lake and relax. It was basically a place she and Army would come by after their dates. She smiled whenever she remembered those moments when it was just her and him.

As she did, she could hear something. Singing? Yes technically it was singing. She didn't know who it belonged to so she went towards the voice to investigate who it was singing.

On the other hand, Army was already by the lake with a guitar in his hand. He basically picked up on playing the guitar back when he was young. It's a miracle that he still had the hang of playing it. He could even sing to it while playing the guitar.

Well most people didn't know to be honest other than his siblings that's for sure. Guess he just never got that much courage to sing in front of other people that much after the crap he went through along with his siblings. He picked up the guitar as he started playing a song he knew very well. It was his favorite song. It reminded him off a certain someone he loved dearly.

Not known to him, Palestine came around the corner and when he saw that it was Army singing. You could say her heart skipped a beat when she heard him sing. To be honest she barely heard him sing this good along with playing a guitar very well too.

She was basically blushing as she heard him sing the song as he happily sang the song. She just sat back without Army's knowledge as he sang the few verses from the song which she heard very eagerly from him.

"There is nothing in between
And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer
Watching over me, he's singing
'She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy'
He's singing, 'She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a line without a hook'"

Palestine's eyes widened as she listened to those few lines. She basically thought those lines were meant to mean her. She smiled as she continued to listen to his singing. After he finished, she couldn't help but get out from hiding and start clapping.

Army slightly flinched as he heard someone clapping and he looked behind him to see Palestine coming from behind as she clapped and a had a small blush on her face. "That was really amazing! I didn't know you could sing and play this well!" Palestine said as she sat down next to Army.

Army looked at Palestine as he put the guitar beside him and smiled as he slightly chuckled. "Thanks Pales." He said to her still having the smile on his face. "How come I never heard you sing or anything?" Palestine asked as Army shrugged.

"I guess I never really got the courage to sing in front of other people other than my siblings." Army said nervously scratching his neck as Palestine smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder and gave a small kiss on the cheek.

"You should! People will love it if you did sing." Palestine said as Army smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I guess I already have a head start by you knowing about it." He replied back as he wrapped his arm around her and brought her closer to him as he leaned his head on hers slightly. Palestine snuggled close to him as Army smiled.

A/N I am actually pretty proud of this oneshot! yes this is related to the current events along with a few ones I have mentioned that are so yeah! Yes this takes place after they got engaged and other shiz that happened! I hope you enjoy this! <3

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