Bangladesh: *outside on the field enjoying the empty quietness and the sound of the Dowel birds chirping and singing*
The Water-Lily Harem: *somewhere looking at her*
Saudi Arabia: I, for one, am glad that Bangladesh Army isn't here!
Oman: Same!
Mauritania: This kind of gives me an opportunity to make Bangladesh love me!
Oman: In your dreams Mauri! I will get a hold of her love!
Saudi Arabia: Oh please I am much better looking than you two!
Mauritania: You wanna bet?!
Oman: *sees someone else coming* Guys shush! I see someone else is coming here!
Saudi Arabia and Mauritania: *calms down and looks at Oman's direction*
Nepal: *was walking towards Bangladesh*
Bangladesh: *sees Nepal and quickly gets up and runs towards him to hug him* Nepal! *hugs him only to fall on top of him*
Nepal: *smiles and basically falls to the ground only for Bangla to be on top of him*
Bangladesh: *blushes* sorry about that! *gets up slowly*
Nepal: It's fine মমতা (Momota and it means Love in bangla)
Bangladesh: *smiles and gives him a small peck on the cheek and giggles*
Saudi Arabia: That freaking dinosaur!
Oman: Are they in a relationship or...?
Mauritania: Probably just a friendly gesture but I am not gonna let that guy take away my girl!
Saudi Arabia: Yeah and I will be first to sweep her off her feet! *legit comes out of the bush*
Nepal: *sees Saudi* What the-?
Bangladesh: *looks at Nepal's direction* wha-
Saudi Arabia: Bangladesh I love you more than the hundred riches in the world! Please accept my love!
Oman: *pushes Saudi backwards* No accept my love for you because you are more beautiful than any goddess!
Mauritania: Don't listen their cheesy lines! I love you more than any other country in this world so accept my love for you!
Bangladesh: ... *thinks* oh god what now?!
Nepal: *carries Bangladesh bridal style* Sorry boys but she won't accept neither of your love! *legit runs while carrying Bangla*
The Water-Lily Harem: HEY GET BACK HERE!!! *chases after the two*
Somewhere not so far yet close~
The UK Siblings, India, Bangladesh Army and Pakistan: *was inside the house actually doing some stuff or something*
Pakistan: *hears something from outside* Does anyone hear that?
India: *looks up and tries to listen what Pakistan was hearing* No kidding but I hear it too and it's coming from outside!
The UK Sibling: *looks outside the window to see a Running Nepal who is carrying Bangladesh while being chased by the Water-Lily Harem*
Canada: You two might wanna see this!
India and Pakistan: *looks outside only to see the chaos*
Nepal: *still running with Bangladesh in her arms*
Bangladesh: O-O
Saudi Arabia: Nepal come back with my future girlfriend!
Oman: You mean mine!
Mauritania: Nope she's mine!
Nepal: Never!!!
Bangladesh: *thinks* oh boy! ;-;
India: Should we do something?
New Zealand: I feel like we should
Australia: I don't wanna involve myself so no!
Pakistan: same!
America: *thinks* Poor them!
Bangladesh Army: *comes out of the room to see everyone except Bangla looking outside* What are you all looking at?
India: *points outside*
Bangladesh Army: *comes closer to the window to see the crap outside and goes into overprotective brother mode* Okay now where the f*** is my SPAS 12!?
Pakistan: Bro please don't-
Bangladesh Army: *looks around and finds it on the sofa* Now if you all would excuse me I will head out and start terrorizing the three boys who happen to be chasing my sister and Nepal! *goes outside*
Canada: Whelp! RIP those three!
Not even half a second later~
The Water-Lily Harem: GAHHH!!!!! *legit starts running while screaming like girls*
Bangladesh Army: HAHAHA!! That's what you get for chasing my little sister ya mooks! *continues shooting*
Nepal: ...
Bangladesh: Oh god...
India: Typical Army... -_-
Pakistan: Now this is funny!
Canada, New Zealand and Australia: *was eating popcorn while watching*
America: *scared out of his wits* T-T *thinks* god please save me... ;-;
Somewhere in heaven~
Mughal Empire: *watching from heaven* HAHA! Go get them and beat the s**t out of them my son! Those three deserve that! >:)
USSR, KKK and probably the other dads and good countries in heaven: ...
A/N Yeah Bangla and Nepal are in a relationship in case you haven't read the last chapter! xD And trust me this was fun to write like come on something like this is bound to happen! XD

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...