Note: I was given a dare by my friends to write this so don't ask!
Me: *legit thinking about the different Country Couples' weddings and how it's gonna be like* hehehe!
Random CH Fan: *walks up to me and taps my shoulder*
Me: *jolts back to reality and was about to attack* I am still not telling- oh it's you... sorry about that!
Random CH Fan: It's alright! Though I have question! Like four of them!
Me: Alright! Shoot me with them!
Random CH Fan: So how does Nepal and Bangladesh kiss tho?
Me: *thinks* Oh crap I know where this is going!
Random CH Fan: :)
Me: Well...
Nepal: *legit tickling Bangladesh*
Bangladesh: *laughing and wheezing on the floor* Oh my- Nepal stop!! HAHA!!
Nepal: Never!!
Bangladesh: *somehow gets the strength and starts tickling Nepal*
Nepal: Nuuu- Hahaha!! *starts to laugh*
Bangladesh: Hah! Victory is mine! *pumps fists into the air*
Nepal: *gets an idea and smirks* You sure about that?
Bangladesh: *becomes confused* what?
Nepal: *kisses Bangla on the lips*
Bangladesh: !!! *blushes mad but kisses back*
Nepal: *pulls away to see a blushing Bangladesh* Well I can see that I have won!
Bangladesh: *puffs up her cheeks in embarrassment and leans against Nepal's chest* Don't do that!
Nepal: Heh! Cute!
Bangladesh: >:3
Random CH Fan: Now that's cute!
Me: Yup I know right!
Random CH Fan: So how does Myanmar and India kiss?
Me: Hmm...
India: *legit pacing around the living room room and mumbles to self* Is everything really my fault right now? I feel like I am the cause of things sometimes! Why do I get the feeling that I always mess up things and Paki's right about it... maybe he is right...
Myanmar: *knocks on the door to the house*
India: *stops pacing around and opens the door to see Myanmar* Oh hey Myan!
Myanmar: hey India! Say is your brother Pakistan around?
India: *shakes her head* No he went outside somewhere.

CountryHumans Oneshots and Shenanigans
FanfictionTechnically speaking I have grown into the fandom for a while but haven't paid much attention to it but now I am deeply in love with it especially the countries like Philippines and many more but of course Bangladesh is forever! Tho this book will f...