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Sora was at the window, looking at you as if you just pissed him off.

You stopped sorting the books. "What are you doing?" You mouthed, but he doesn't answer. Just staring.

After 2 minutes of cold staring, he walks to the entrance of the library, then walks toward your direction.

"Sora, what the hell? I'm still working!" You tried to keep your voice low.

"Why are you talking to him? I thought we spoke about this, baby."

You felt embarrassed that your husband is here while at work. You thought to yourself  'he's definitely gonna get me fired.'

"I already told him to leave me alone. Now can you please go?" Sora declined. "What was he saying to you, hm? Was he flirting?"

Samuel appeared behind Sora. "Is he bothering you, Y/n?" Big mistake. Sora turned to him and gave him a death stare, intimidating him.

"Stay away from her, I'm serious. Don't touch her, don't look at her, don't speak to her. If you do, I'll kill you. Don't test me."

Even though the threat wasn't directed to you, it was still terrifying. "Stop it, Sora! Why would you say tha-"

"And you." He points to you. "We need to have another talk when you get off work. I guess I wasn't being clear enough last night."

He walks out a drives off, leaving you paranoid for the rest of the day. Samuel never spoke with you again.

Hours pass...

After a long day of work, you drive home, preparing for Your husband's raging attitude.

"I'm home, baby." You see him sitting at the dining table, still not looking happy.

You pretended you didn't notice his attitude and went to the refrigerator, looking for a drink.

Sora got up and closed the door. "So what did I tell you about talking to other guys?"

You quickly got annoyed. "What is your problem?! He is just my cowork-"

"Ion give a fūck if he's your coworker. I know what I saw. Gimmie your phone."

"No, Sora! Quit being jealous!" You started breaking down. "It's my life, I don't need your permission to talk to people! Stop controlling me!"

"Who do you think you talking to like that? C'mere, I ain't done with you!"

"Fûck off." You walked your way to the bedroom. Sora follows and grabs you by the wrist.

"UGH, LET ME GO!" You were so angry, you started swinging. He catches both your wrist and pins you to the bed. You were still crying. "Please...stop."

"Calm down, babygirl. Breathe." You tried to kick him, but he was between your legs. "Stop fighting now," he demanded.

"Fùck you! I'm not gonna listen to you anymore!" You struggled out of his grip, only for him to grab you again and squeezed harder.

"Ow, baby!" His grip was painful. "I'm not letting you go until you're being a good girl." You struggled a few more times, then gave up.

You finally maintained your anger. "Good girl. Now listen. I'm gonna set up some rules for you."


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