Wake Up 🔞

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5:59am • Your pov

It's now your second day of going to work. It was too early for the sun to fully rise yet.

You sleep deeply in your bed with your husbands arms wrapped around you.

Din Din Din!

The bell of your alarm sets off as the time hits 6 o'clock, but you were too much of a deep sleeper to hear it.

Sora releases you and rolls on his back to rub his eyes.

He squints over at you and noticed you were still sleeping even though the alarm was going off. "Baby..."

You didn't respond. He rolls back and reached over to dismiss the alarm. It stops ringing.

He rests his head back down, exhaling deeply on your neck. "Baby." He firmly squeezes your thigh.

"Hm..." You're finally awake, but desperate for more sleep. "It's time to get up," Sora reminded.

You were too sleepy to form words, so you just gave responded with "Mhm."

"C'mon..." He squeezes your thigh a couple more times. "Mm no," you groan.

"You need to get ready for work." He sits up and switches the lamp on from your side.

"Noooo." You block the lights from your face with blankets.

"Yesss, time for work." He smooched your cheek and gets out of bed to head to the bathroom.

You reach for the lamp, attempting to switch it back off.

Sora catches you from his peripherals. "I see whatchu doing. Keep the light on."

"It's too bright," you whined. "That's the point. You need to wake up and get ready."

"I am up," you groaned, stretching your legs under the blankets.

He puts paste on his tooth brush. "You're up, but I don't see you getting ready. Hands off the lamp."

"Ugh..." You let go of the lamp as you were told. "Good girl." He brushes his teeth.

'Just for 5 minutes,' you said to yourself. You roll over on your other side, staring at the window before dozing off again.


As Sora rinsed his mouth off, he came back in the room and hopped back in bed.

"You're always stubborn in the morning." His hand glided up your shirt, caressing your breast.

"I just want sleep," you replied, not bothered to open your eyes.

He adjusted your bonnet that was nearly slipping off your head, tucking strands of your hair back inside.

"I thought you'd be excited to see all the cakes and muffins," he scoffed. "Sleep," you mumbled.

"Oh, sleep over cake, is that right?" He pulls the blankets down. "Well since you won't get up..." He starts kissing your neck in a seductive manner.

You tried to focus on sleeping, but it's hard to ignore getting your weak spots kissed. "B-Babes."

"Mhm." He kissed you from your shoulder to your jaw repeatedly. His bulge was grinding against you.

At this point, you were no longer tired, he was making you too hørny. You reach behind to rub his hair.

He stops kissing your neck. He rolls you on your back and holds you by the throat to kiss your lips.

His aggressiveness was making your peach wet.

Still kissing you, he lets go of your throat and slides his hand down your panties to rub your peach.

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