Car Ride

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"Where do you wanna eat?" Sora asked you. "Can we go to Olive Garden please?"

"Yeah." He starts the car.

You and Sora left the coffee shop. You take a peak at his face. He seems upset.

You tried to talk to him. "Babes?" He kept his eyes on the road. "Yeah."

"Are you mad at me?" You felt nervous about what his next response was going to be.

He nodded. "No, I'm not mad at you." Somehow, that felt like a lie.

"You sure?" You asked. He smiled. "Why would I be mad at you?" You could've guessed why.

You shrugged. "Because I left the house without telling you? I know how you are."

"You're okay. I know you don't like being stuck in the house." He softly grips your thigh. "You love me?"

"Of course I love you," you reassured. "More than you love anyone else?" He asked.

"Yup, I don't love anyone else more than you." He smiled. "Good. You're my queen. Nobody else can have you."

His thoughts

'And if anyone so much as lay a finger on you, it's gonna be their last day breathing.'

You kissed his hand. "You know I wouldn't leave you for anyone else. I'm yours."

"I know you're mine. You'll always be mine. I'm gonna treat you like you're my first priority."

You smile. "But first..." Sora pulls over on the side of the road. "Uh, babes...what are you doing?" You felt confused.

He unbuckles his seatbelt and faces you. "Give me the phone."

You immediately got tense. How did he find out? ""

He got impatient. "Y/n, don't play with me right now. Hand it over."

You had no choice but to surrender your phone. You took it out your pocket and handed it over.

He interrogated. "Why did you have it with you?"

"I don't know..." you felt speechless. You was hoping he wouldn't find out.

"I knew you would try to get your hands on it, so I put a tracking device inside it."

You went silent. 'So that's how he found me at the cafe.'

Sora exhales. "I saw you with him at the cafe. You think I'm stupid?" You denied. "No, baby. I just-"

"So you lied to me?" he interrupted. "I'm sorry, baby..." You ran out of excuses.

"So you know what's gonna happen now, right?" No response from you.

He took his rings off. "Get in the back," he ordered. "Sora I-"



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