My Angie pt.2

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Two days later after work, Sora stops at the gas station to fill his tank. He hears fighting nearby.

In front of the market, it appear to be Jackson and Angie caught up in an argument.

"Just tell me what you want, Angie."

"It's not a serious thing."

"If it wasn't a serious thing, you be acting like this."

"I don't feel like talking about it right now. Can we just leave it alone?"

He shrugged his hands. "Don't tell me then. Bye." He proceeded to get in the car and drive off without her.

"Āsshole..." She moved her hair out of her eyes and noticed Sora pumping his car. Of course it didn't take him long to notice her too. "Sky?"

"Angie..." She approached him. "Funny seeing you twice in a row this week."

He smiles and kept pumping his tank. Her eyes drift to the side."Listen about last night—"

"It's alright," he dismissed before she could finish.

She assumed that he didn't want to hear about it so she moved on. "You think I can get a ride?"

Sora perked up at her. "Hm?" He needed a repeat to make sure he wasn't mishearing.

"Jackson usually rides me home but we're not on the best terms right now..."

He felt feel honored to take that opportunity to spend time with her. "Sure."


"I don't mind it. I'm here when you need me." Her smile grew brightly. She immediately wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you so much, Sky."

He went shocked for a sec. "Mhm..." He could smell the fragrance of her tangerine shampoo. She sighed and breaks the hug.

His thoughts

"No, please don't let go..."

She pat his arm while looking at his car. "Oh and're over your tank limit, haha."

"Oh shît." He withdrew the pumper from his car. She giggled at him.

After a 10 minute drive, Sora finally reached her house and drops her off. "Thank you for saving the trouble for me."

"It was no problem. Oh, Angie, don't you have classes this week?"


"Who's driving you?"

"Oh shît, you're right. Dammit..." she thinks to herself. "Ugh, might have to get a taxi back and forth.

"I can take you," he insisted.

"Wait, are you sure? I don't know how long me and Jackson are gonna keep this up. Probably a damn week." She sighs.

He denied happily. "I don't mind that either. I don't mind it at all."

She smiled again. "I owe you so much. Thank you, Sky."

He nods. "You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow, Angie."

"See you tomorrow!"

Sora was looking forward to this moment his entire life. He's been longing this bond ever since.

Proceeding Forward...

For the past week, Sora squeezed an extra bit of time to drive Angie home from community school and work.

But tonight was different. They stopped in front of her house. "Have a good night, Angie."

"Thanks. You too." She opened the car door but before heading to her house, she looks back at Sora again.

Some sort of tension was building up but Sora couldn't figure out what it was, until she held his face for a kiss.

His heart almost felt like it was about to burst. He felt her soft, plump lips touching his.

After that moment, she parts away with her hand still on his face. "Did you want to come inside?"

" want me to?"

"I have drinks inside. Are you in the mood for one?" Her offer was too tempting to reject. "Yeah."

She made a little smirk on her face. "Let's go."


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