My Angie pt.3

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"Drinks are in the kitchen, get comfy while you wait."

Sora watched her head to kitchen, leaving him alone in her living room. Free time to look around and observe the area.

Her place had a warm welcoming vibe to it, consisting of plant themed furniture and potted greenery alone.

There wasn't one wall that wasn't covered with architecture photography. Her hobbies really stand out in her house.

Sora observed every framework carefully, then loses focus when he sees a nude stand-portrait of Angie.

The detail, contrast, and the way she's positioned in this portrait was driving him a bit crazy.

Out of respect, he flipped the frame face down trying to cancel any sexūal fantasy of her out of his mind.


"Hm?" He quickly turned around as Angie comes back with two full bottles and wine glasses. "They're nice, aren't they?"

"Oh, the portraits?" He looks at them again. "Y-Yeah I think they're creative."

"You think so?" She set the bottles and glasses on the table in front of the couch. "If only Jackson had at least a little bit of interest in what I like."

That's weird way to sneak Jackson into the topic, but Sora engages anyway. "Yeah?"

She makes room on the couch for him to sit next to her. "Let's just say Jack doesn't really admire what he has. He only wants things just to show it off."

While listening, he offered to pour the wine for the both of them. "Is that how he does with you?"

"Sometimes it feels like that," she admits.

The fact that he disrespects Angie and treats her like she's a noble prize to show off infuriated him to the core.

"So he's a narcissist, an āsshole to be exact," he put boldly. "Hm, you're funny," she giggled. "But yes, he is in fact a narcissistic āsshole."

They both clinked glasses and sip on their wine. Angie side while setting her glass down.

"I like a guy with determination. You know, great intentions. And that describes you perfectly."

He fell flattered, but then denied himself. "Am I though?"

"You seem anti-social sometimes judging by how you avoid convos at the diner, but you have some sort of...boldness."

Sora shook his head as if she was oblivious. "You're only saying that because of what happened the other day..."

"But I liked that," she openly admits. "Guys puśsy out when Jackson wants a fight, but you literally stood there and took it. I liked that."

"But don't you think it was stupid that I—"

"No, I don't." He confusingly went silent.

"You're cuter than I thought you would be since I know you more...Sky."

He lowered his eyes, then makes contact with her again. "Sora."


"I want you to call me Sora." He usually doesn't let people call him by his real English name, but it was different for Angie.

She smiled at him. "Okay...Sora. Well I think you're cute."

"Angelina.." he caresses her leg as he looks her in the eyes. "...I think I love you."

She didn't say a thing, but her blushing said it all. She then slowly came in close contact until it happened again.

Every time he tasted her lips, he craved more of it. He didn't want nothing to be interrupted. Sooner, the moment carried on to her room.


"Angi- fūck..."


That night, he felt like he had her, that she was his. It never really occurred to him that this was only a hook up.

Camp night

Days later, Sora was offered an invite to a camp hangout, but wasn't allowed anywhere near Angie.

Nobody couldn't go unless they had a partner. Luckily, Sora had Kobe to go with.

"Bruh, why'd you take me here...?" Kobe asked as he unloads the goods out the bags.

"Already know why," Sora stated setting up the tent while watching Angie and Jackson talk near the fireplace.

He deeply exhaled. "Did you not learn your lesson when Jack kicked your shīt in?"

"It's different now."

"The hell you mean by 'different'?

After fixing up the tent, he ended the convo by walking past Kobe and heading to the fireplace.

"You know I still have questions, right?" Of course Sora didn't answer. He always leaves him with a cliffhanger.

Jackson grabbed Angie by the hand as soon as he saw Sora coming to join the groups.

Sora watched as he guided her to the dark woods for a more private chat. Angie looked back at him with a pitiful smile.

His thoughts

'What are you trying to convince her? Am I being a threat to your relationship? Must hurt to think I'm better for her.'

It was hard to hear their conversation, but it was easy to tell it was slowly turning into an argument.

His thoughts

'My poor thing. We need to talk after he's done with her. All I want is—'

The argument began to get louder. "YOU'RE NOT FUÇKING LISTENING!"

She covered her cheek and her eyes started building up with tears.

Sora grew malicious as he witnessed him striking Angie with a slap. His body almost jerked up violently by instinct.

Angie looks back at him, then dashed out the woods, returning to the cabin with her face covered.

"Dumb bītch..." Jackson shook his head and went deeper into the woods to clear his mind alone.


As the night grew late, people were back in their tents. Meanwhile, Jackson lights a cigarette watching the flow of the water stream down the river.

"Fūck." He repeatedly tries to force the lighter to work, but it was close to getting too weak.

Having a burnt out lighter as a good distraction method, something grab the back of Jackson's neck and abruptly pushed his face into the river. "BR—"

He fought back to raise his head above the surface for air, only for a second hand to add more force into the water.

Eventually, water started invading his airway, causing him to drown and lose consciousness until death. His entire body stops moving.

Out of heavy breath, Sora slowly raised himself up and looks down at Jackson's body, dark intentions filled in his eyes.

"You won't touch her again."


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