Broken trust

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After your husband dropped you off from work, you rushed in the house without speaking a word.

Sora comes in and takes off his jacket. "How was work, baby?"

You rub your head, trying to gather your thoughts. Nothing is making sense to you right now.

"Baby?" He turns you around, only for you to space away from him again. "Sorry."

"Why're you walking away from me?" he asked in concern.

"I don't know what to believe anymore..." you mumbled to yourself.


You finally face him. "How much are you hiding from me?"

You make him fall silent. He shakes his head and looks back up at you. "I don't know what you mean by that."

"Don't be a liar, Sora."

"I'm not being a liar," he claimed with strong emphasis.

It's too early to get on his bad side without collecting info on him, so you restart the conversation. "I have a question."

"Whats the question, baby?"

"I know this is out of nowhere, but why do you act so possessive all the time?"

He shrugs as if you should know that already. "Because I love you. You're mine, I always make sure of that."

"So loving me means isolating me from everyone I talk to?"

"They don't know you like I do. Nobody understands you except for me. That's why you need me."

His mindset is tilted. Wanting to be depended on is another sign of wanting power over you.

"You're my baby. I don't want anybody else to have you. If someone takes you away from me, who else would I have?"

It wasn't getting to his head, so you start to question him. "Who's Angie?" He flinched from the name.

His thoughts

'How the fućk does she know about her?'


You were confused. "But she—"

"Don't ask about her again. She's nobody," he repeats. "And who's telling you this? Is it Ko—"

"Yes, it's Kobe," you cut off. "How come he knows all this stuff about you?"

"He doesn't. Why are you still listening to him after I just told you that he manipulates people?"

"You claim they're lies, but the things he's saying doesn't sound close to being made-up. Who is Angi—"

"SHUT UP!" His hand bangs loudly on the wall. "Fuçk." He faced away to control his anger.

There must've been a terrible incident with him and her that he's acting this way when you say her name.

He shook his head. "I should've never let him near you."

You sat down feeling frustrated. "All these lies, all these secrets, all this brain washing...I can't take this anymore."

It was pure silence. You knew it was time to come to decision. "It's done," you announced.

He alertedly turns back around. "What do you mean 'it's done?' What's done?"

"I don't want to do this anymore." You open the front door.

"Where the fûck you tryna go?"

"I need space."

"No, we're gonna keep talking."

"Quit it!" You resisted his grip around your wrist. "Do I have to restate our rules, baby?"

"Get OFF!" You break his grasp and finally leave the house. "Where are you going?"

The destination was not planned, getting away from him is all that matters to to you right now.

He stood in front of the house. "I'm giving you 10 seconds to come here, baby."

You swing open the car door and hop in the drivers seat.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

The car turns on as you turn the key into the ignition.

"Seven, six, five..."

You put the car in reverse to backed out of the parking area.

"Four, three, two, one..."

You put it in drive and leave the house, not even looking back.

Sora loads his gun behind his back. "Zero."

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