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Sora's POV

Nobody will steal you, I won't let them. I'm the only one you need in your life.

One day it'll just be me and you. All I have to do is erase everyone else, right? That's all I have to do. And he's first on my list.

I stood in front of the bakery. He needs to go right now. I want him gone. But I'm not wasting bullets. Not yet.

I bust through the doors with no hesitation. Kobe looks up at me. "Sky?"

I need to get rid of this motherfućker right now. I slowly walk to the other side of the counter.

"Your wifey ain't here if that's who you're looking—" I grab his arm and shank his lower stomach with my knife.

I watch his face go blank as the blade pierced through him. I quickly withdrew my knife.

He gags. "A-Ag...pff..." He grips my leg before hitting the floor, bleeding from his wound.

I search for his phone in his pocket to confiscate it later. It's time for me to lore her in. I text her through Kobe's phone to pretend I'm him.

Kobe: are you home

Y/n: no I don't feel like dealing with him right now

Kobe: come to the bakery

Y/n: why?

Kobe: I'm closing today I wanna see you

Y/n: sure I'll be there

Kobe: ok

"Cough...Sky, don't..."

In my pocket the phone goes. I went to the front of the store and locked the double doors shut.

Kobe rolls on his back with his hand covering his wound to prevent dying from blood loss. "S...Sky."

I make sure the doors are completely shut. I check once more, then went to turn all the lights off.

Before continuing, I stood above Kobe's body, watching him reach out a hand for help.

"Please, S-Sky..."

He's nearly dead, so he's not a threat to my baby anymore. I leave him on the floor and find the back exit.

Your POV

You make it to the bake shop as Kobe said.

"Kobe?" You look through the glass windows, but it was too dark to see anything.

You knock once again. "Kobeee!" Still no answer.

You confusingly walk back to the car. "Why did he tell me to come over here?"

Closing the car door, you spot movement in your rear view mirror.

Before you could react, a hand appeared from behind with a cloth and smothers your face.

"MM!" You grabs their arms, but it was too difficult to struggle. Your eyes shift back to the mirror. Is that Sora?

Suddenly, you feel drowsy and weak. Everything goes black.

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