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Sora's been in the bathroom for 5 minutes and still hasn't brung the first-aid kit.

You got off the couch to check on him, still holding on to your bleeding arm.

The door is locked, but you can hear him mumbling inside. You softly knock on the door.

"Babes? Is everything okay?" The mumbling stopped. He opens the door so rapidly that it made you flinch.

"Yeah, I'm good, baby." His face, his tone, his body language. Did he go back to normal? Just a second ago, he was...

"Your arm," he mentions. "Take off your shirt so I can see the cuts."

In the bathroom, he takes a look at the cuts on your upper arm and picks up a wet cloth.

"Lemme know if it hurts," he says. He gently wipes the dried blood off of your arm.

"Stay still," he takes the bandages from the kit box and wraps it around the cuts.

"Not too tight," you advised him. "Sorry, baby." After it was perfectly covered, he kisses you.

"Does it still hurt?" You nodded. "A" You grew concerned about his sudden mood switch. "...what's going on with you?"

His smile grew bigger as he looked up at you. "What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with me."

You knew that was a lie. "But earlier, it's like you transformed into a different something possessed you."

He lowered his eyes. Being well aware of his behavior, he still sweeps it under the carpet.

"It was nothing serious. I just had a weird moment with myself, but I'm okay now."

You looked for more answers. "But when you-"

"Don't worry about it...I'm okay," his smile is slowly disappearing.

"I'm just worried about you...and I want to make sure that you're-"

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU..." he lowered his tone. "...that I'm okay." You freeze up.

"I'm not possessed, I'm not a different person, and there's nothing wrong with me. So stop interrogating me like I fuçking killed someone."

He paused after coming to realization of what he just said to you.

"Baby...I- fūck," he reached to touch you, but you distanced yourself. He pulled his arm back. "Sorry," you mouthed, feeling too paralyzed to use your voice.

"Don't say that. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I've been pissed off with myself lately, but I didn't wanna put it out on you."

You try to ease up and bring back your voice. " there anything that's making you feel this way?"

He exhaled. "'s just been a stressful week for me, but thats not an excuse to yell at you."

His thoughts

I need to get a hold of this shīt before I hurt her.

You get closer to hug him, holding back your fear.
"Maybe cuddling will make you feel better."

He chuckled and wraps his arms around you. "Yeah let's do that."

Somewhere in the back of your head is telling you that Nate's death has something to do with your husband.

Flashback of Nate

"Your husband is trying to fùcking kill me!"

You shook it off. 'No, he wouldn't do that. I'm just insane. Just a stupid coincidence.

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