Find You

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Sora was ready to go grocery shopping. "I'm going to the store, baby. Do you need anything while I'm gone?"

"I'm okay. Don't forget to buy the bread." You held his head and kissed him. "I won't forget this time."

You watched him leave the house and drive off. You had a plan to meet up with Nate. 'I need to see you.'

You remember that your phone is locked up. 'Dammit. Where did he put that key?'

That box has a thick metal lock. It would be impossible to open it with your bare hands.

You looked everywhere. Not in the drawers, not under the mattress, did he take it with him?

Then you remembered that Sora always leaves stuff in his pockets. You went to the laundry to search in his pockets. 'C'mon, please be here...'

Almost losing hope, a shiny object catches your eye. "Hell yes!" You found the key! You sped back to the bedroom and unlocked the box.

"Gotcha." You have your phone. Sora already took the car, so you have to walk. Nate should be at work right now, his job is not that far.

After a few miles, you reach the coffee shop. 'He should be on break right now.' You went inside to find Nate at the counter.

"Nate!" He looked up at you with fear in his eyes. "Y/ can't be here. What if he sees-" you went behind the counter and pulled him in for a hug.

"I missed you." You felt him shaking. "What's wrong?" He took your hand and went into the kitchen where nobody else can see.

"Y/n...WHAT THE FÙCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" You were confused. "First of all, why did you block me? Second, I wanted to see you, duh!"

He started shaking even more. "I blocked you because if I keep talking to you, your fuçking husband is gonna kill me!"

You fell silent. "Why would he even think about killing anyone? Sure, he's overprotective, but..."

Nate went on. "He broke into my house the other night. He held a fućking gun to my head and threatened to shoot me if I kept talking to you."

"That's not true," you denied. Nate held you by the shoulders. "Please believe me. I even have the proof."

He moved his hair to the side to reveal a wound on his head. "He did this." You still can't believe that he would do something like this.

"Nate please, there's no way-" He snapped. "Listen to me, Y/n! Your husband was about to KILL ME!" You took a step back.

"I want to save you from him, but I need you to realize that he's not in the right state of mind. He's a psychopath."

You thought to yourself. 'Is that the reason why he came home with that gun in his pocket?'

You check the time. "Fuçk, he's gonna be home soon. I have to go." Nate shook his head. "Be careful...please."


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