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"Why you hiding this from her, Sky? I'm sure she'll understand," he says sarcastically.

"Shut the fūck up," Sora snatches his shirt. "If you expose ANYTHING to her, I'm coming after you."

"Yeah? So what if she finds out? Is she next? You gonna kill her too? That's the longest you've ever had a girl, Sky."

"What I did years ago is not me anymore. Stop bringing shīt up," he says.

"She shouldn't be wearing that ring, Sky. She doesn't even know where it came from."

He harshly pins Kobe to the window. "Don't tell me what my fùcking girl shouldn't be wearing. It's not your business."

"Oh, it IS my business. I won't forget what you did to Angie. I bet wifey don't know nothin about that either, huh?"

The name triggers Sora's intrusive thoughts. "Don't...say her name."

Kobe chuckles. "Yeah, you feel like shīt, don't you? How the fùck you even sleep at night?" Sora let's go of him.

His thoughts 

"He knows too much. I knew should've killed this motherfùcker a long time ago. Fùck."

You return from the back room with normal clothes on and bags in your hands. "I'm ready!"

Sora brushes off his dark thoughts and smiles. "Okay, baby. Wait in the car for me."

"Uh..." You felt weird about Sora and Kobe alone together, knowing they don't get along.

"Don't worry. We're not gonna fight," he reassured. "Oh, okay." You went outside and head to the car, still feeling uneasy.

Sora beams back at Kobe. "You mention any of this to her, threats aren't the only thing you're gonna be receiving."

"Let's see how long you can go without her finding out," Kobe states. "She'll know eventually."

Sora gives him a cold stare before walking out of the bakery.

Kobe leans on the window, watching them drive off. "This man better not kill her..."

During the ten minute drive, Sora hasn't spoken a word since you've left the bakery.

"You okay, babes?" You tap on his leg. "Yeah, just tired," he responded. "How was your first day?"

"Mm, like easy-hard," you giggle. "Easy-hard? He didn't overwork you, did he? Because-"

"No, no, he didn't over work me. I'm okay." He nods. "Good...good." You noticed that his hands are a bit tense.

"So...what were you and Kobe talking about earlier?" You felt nervous to ask.

"Just uh...talking about your work schedule. Just making sure you're not being overworked. That's all."

"Hm." For some reason, that didn't sound true, but you chose to avoid confrontation.

You took a look at your ring and remembered what Kobe said. '...and he has the nerve to put that ring on your finger.'

"Sora, remember the time you proposed to me and gave me the ring?"

He smiles. "Of course I remember. I'd never forget about that, baby."

"Yeah...well I was wondering where it came from." You played with your ring.

"I bought it. Where else?" He parks in front of the house.

You shrug. "I was just asking because...Kobe said something about it."

"What did he say?" Sora's tone grew serious. "Something about you having the 'nerve' to give it to me or something?"

His thoughts

'Of course this motherfùcker would open his mouth about it.'

"Whatever he says to you, don't believe it. The reason why I stopped being friends with him is because he lies."

"He does?" It's hard to believe that Kobe, a decent person, would be a liar.

"He takes advantage of people who listen to him. This is why I don't want you getting close to him."

It would be crazy to take Kobe's side over your husband's, so you had no choice but to agree.

His kisses you. "There's nothing wrong with your ring. It belongs to you and only you, okay?"

"Mhm." If Kobe is really a liar, it's best not to get close to him so he won't take advantage of you.


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