My Angie pt.4

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After a long break of getting her head together, Angie felt ready to clear things up with Jackson.

As she left the cabin, it was late and everybody else was sleep in their tents.

The only two that were up was Sora and Kobe casually hanging outside their tent.

"Hey, you two. Where is my boyfriend?"

They both look up at her, Kobe being genuinely oblivious and Sora pretending to be. "Hm?"

"Where is he, Kobe?"

"Why you askin me?"

She shifted to Sora. "Do you know where he is?" He thinks for a minute, then nods. "Mhm."

"Okay, thank you," she sighed in relief. "I've been calling his phone for like an hour."

As she followed him, Sora leads her to the opposite direction to avoid Jackson's corpse.

Sora stops in the middle of walking and faces her. "Is your face okay?"

"My face...?" She realizes what the context was behind his question. "Oh yeah. Don't worry about it."

"You never told me that he that with you..." The kiłłing was so rushed he didn't think about collecting closure.

"It's a bit hard coming out about it." It sounds like it's been happening for a good while.

"You know you can always be honest with me, Angie." He gave her a warm smile, reaching to hold her hand.

"Uh sure...?" Angie realizes Jackson is still nowhere to be found. She looks around in confusion. " where is he?"

"Where is who?"

"My boyfriend."

"That doesn't matter. I'm here."

"'re funny, but seriously. Jackson left his phone dead."

"Maybe he went home without you. Probably because he doesn't love you like the way I do."

"Excuse me?" She chuckled in confusion.

"You don't need him. He's not worth your time. I know I can be better for you if you give me a chance."

"Sora, there's no way you're serious about-" He kneels down on one leg. "Sora...?"

He opened his palm revealing the ring he recently saved for her. "Marry me, Angelina."

She flinched out of shock. "Marry you?!"

He nodded his head. "I know this feels too fast, but I choose you. There's nobody else I want except you. And I want you to feel the same way for me."

She could hardly take him seriously. She scoffs with a pitiful smile. "I...I can't."


"I can't marry you. It doesn't feel right."

He slowly withdrew his engagement ring. "What you mean it doesn't feel right? The other night we were..."

"It was just a hook-up, Sora! How do you not understand that?"

"That wasn't just a hook-up," he denied. "I know you felt something."

The topic was too much for her. "I'm sorry, but...I need to go find my boyfriend."

He stood straight up, unsatisfied with her answer. "Why do you need him so much?"

"Sora please—"

"No, tell me," he begged grasping her hand. "What does he have that I don't? What's wrong with me?"

"What's gotten into you? Since when were you so invested in me and Jack's relationship?"

"Listen to me. I love you. You don't need anybody else. I don't want you to need anybody else. Just me, okay?"

"Just you?" She stops to laugh. "Okay, now I really can't take you seriously. Have you been drinking tonight?"

The frustration was getting to him. "Why won't you listen to me...? I want to be with you, Angie. Don't you get that?"

"Alright you can let go of me now," she laughed nervously. As she felt Sora's grip getting tighter, she realized it was no longer a joke. "Sora...let go please."

"If it makes you happy, I'll let you call me Jackson. O-Or even better." He puts her hand on his face.

"Okay, you're being weird now..."

"Does this remind you of him, Angie? Am I doing it right?"

"Let go!"

He could no longer hold on to his patience and composure. "I kiłłed him for you Angie...this ring was bought for you. I even have your name inside it. See?"

She couldn't get over his first statement. "K-Kiłłed? Sora, you're scaring me. You didn't actually..."

He didn't answer. Her eyebrows dropped. " didn't, right?"

"I love you, Angie."

"Sora...oh my God..."

"...but if you don't see that, I'll help you."

"No, stop!"

"Please let me help you, Angie..." She began to cry in terror and grief. "Sora, I'm begging you..."

"I'll make things work between us."

20 minutes later

Kobe looked over from his phone to see Sora coming from the woods."Aye, Sky. Where's Angie? I thought she was with you."

He walks past him. "Come on."

"Come on what?"

"We're leaving."

"But Angie—"

"I don't know where Angie is." Out of annoyance, Kobe began packing back up. "You really brought me here just to leave, bruh?"


'Tragic news has been reported. 20 year-old Angelina Joey has been missing. Investigators informed that this poor girl has ran away during a teenagers camp night. No further reports of the incident. If you see her anywhere, please alert the local police immediately.

End of Flashback


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