
600 14 13

End of the day.

"Your salted caramel brownies, ma'am!" You hand the lady the bag of sweets. "That's $6.99."

"Thank you, dear." The lady gives you the total amount. "Enjoy!"

Your shift is nearly over, but where's Sora? He was supposed to be here at 6.

Kobe comes out the kitchen out of his work clothes. "You aight?"

"Yeah." look out the window, searching for Sora's vehicle.

He flips the sign to 'close' on the entrance of the bakery. "Sky ain't here yet?"

You get a message notification from Sora.

Bae: it's traffic I'll be 20 minutes late

"He said he's stuck in traffic," you sighed stuffing your phone back in your pocket.

"Right, right." Feeling too bored to stare through the window, you return to the counter to organize the pastries.

Kobe goes after you and leans on the counter. "You didn't look happy this morning when he was dropping you off..."

You kept your eyes lowered. "I wasn't, but it's whatever."

"Gettin tired of his jealousy now?"

"I've been tired of his jealousy," you vented. "My life is always in his control. Always making it clear that I'm his."

He scratched his head. "I'm still wondering how the hell you deal with him everyday."

"Yeah, that's how he is," you laughed. "Sora assumes everyone wants to steal me from him. If they so much as look at me one time, he takes it as a threat."

Kobe looks at you without respond. You look up at him. "What?"

"The way you said that...you make it sound so casual like that's normal to you."

You paused. "It's...not normal?"

"You think being controlled and restricted is normal?" Both of you look at each other silence.

Kobe's thoughts

'She stuck...and don't even realize it.'

He looks down at the floor. "I'm your boy best friend, so at least I can tell you this...if I had a wifey, I wouldn't get mad at people for looking at you."


"As a matter of fact, I'd take it as a compliment because I know you're beautiful. I'd rather show you off than keep you to myself."

"Well I...never thought about it like that before." It was too embarrassing to admit that you felt taboo to see it that way.

"Being treated like property isn't normal," he states. "Being treated as a woman with value is normal."

You made a little smile. "Well thank you for opening my mind a little bit. I needed someone to say that for a long time..."

"Wish I could give you more than just counseling." He takes his back off the counter.

The atmosphere was getting thick again. "You're too close, Kobe..."

"Am I?" He slowly rests both his hands on the counter, pinning you indirectly.

The nervous feeling was building up inside you, but some part of you didn't want to move away.

His face was so close to yours, he decided to make the move and softly kiss your lips.

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