First Day

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In the car

On your way to HoneyBakes, you were so excited to start your new job.

"I can't wait to taste everything. The muffins, cookies, biscuits, cupcakes..."

"There you go again," Sora laughs. "You know working at a bakery isn't just about eating, right?"

"Ugh, I know," you groan. "Just the thought of sweets make me so hungry..."

He shakes his head. "I just hope you save some for the customers...and me."

You kiss his hand. "Of course I'll save some for my hubby. You always come first!" He smiles and kisses you hand too. "It better stay that way too."

Both you and Sora make it to HoneyBakes and find the nearest parking spot. "Call me if something happens," Sora told you.

"For the 18th time, Sora, I got it." You roll your eyes and kiss his cheek. "Remember our promise, okay?"

He nods in understanding. "Mhm." You jump out of the car and waved bye to your husband before walking in.

When you walk in, the sweet fragrance of pastries didn't take too long to meet your nose. "That that...CUPCAKES?!"

"You guest it!" Kobe comes comes from the kitchen holding a batch of Hello Kitty cupcakes. It was difficult to hold back from drooling.

 It was difficult to hold back from drooling

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"Wass good!" Kobe greets. You wipe the drool off your mouth. "Morning! Did you make those?"

"Sho did." He slides the batch into the glass display with the rest of the baked goods. "Whew! Aight, you ready to work with me?"

You hung your coat up. "Super ready. Uh, I hope we're not making something too advance, haha."

"Nah, we ain't, don't worry. Today is a slow day. I'll teach you the basics so you won't be lost anywhere." He opens the counter entrance.  "C'mon."

At the Kitchen

"Aight, so since it's your first day, we're gonna try making somethin simple." He hands you a tiny device. "You know what this is?"

You examine the device. "A...tablet?" He nods. "Yuh, not just a tablet though. We take orders from them. Basically pick-up orders."

A customer's name pops up on the screen. "I think someone just ordered! Her name is...Kasey?" You show him the screen.

Customer: Kasey Havana
Order: Linzer Cookies
Quantity: 2 boxes

"Linzer cookies?" Kobe sucks his teeth. "Man, that's too easy. Aight, let's do this." His confidence made you feel less anxious.

10 minutes forward...

You got frustrated from the dough not shaping how you want it to be. "Ugh, stupid dough."

Kobe checks up on you from across the kitchen. "Havin trouble?" You exhale in irritation. "Yeah...this thing keeps breaking apart."

"I gotchu." Kobe stops kneeding his own dough and looks over yours. "Ooh, I see the problem."

"I don't get it. Am I doing it wrong?" The dough breaks in half again. "Darn it."

Kobe gets closer and cups your hands. "Keep your hands like this so it stays together." He helps you kneed the dough. "Like this."

The dough finally shapes the way you've been trying to get it. "This is helpful. Thank you, Kobe."

"Fo sho." He gets a bit flustered. "I don't wanna weird you out, but...your hands are hella soft."

You were flattered. "Oh, thank you. And it's not weird at all. Sora says the same thing." His mood changes a little. "Sora...yeah."

You realize his hands were still wrapped around yours. "Yep...uh, I think I know how to do this now, haha."

"Oh, my bad." He releases your hands. "Lemme know if you need anymore help." You nod. "Okay!"

Sora's POV

That motherfùcker is definitely up to something. I swear if I catch him with his hands on I have to trust her. I can't break this promise. She's loves you, Sora. Nothings gonna happen.


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