The Ring

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After a short process of baking with Kobe, the Kinzer cookies are finally finished.

Kobe opens the oven to take the cookies out. "Oh sh- hot, hot...." He slaps them on the surface of the stove.

"Oh, that looks delicious..." You stare at the jam centered in the middle of the cookie.

"See? I told you it was easy." Kobe opens a pink-striped box. "Put em in here, Y/n."

You scoop the batches and dump them in the boxes, trying to hold back from taking a bite out of one of them.

"You did great for the first try," he complimented. "You're pretty easy to teach."

You smile. "Well I am a fast learner, not that I'm showing off or anything, haha."

While dusting your hands off, the reflection of the light bouncing off your wedding ring catches Kobe's attention.

Kobe's thoughts

'Isn't that the ring from...5 years ago? Why would he give that to her? He can't be serious...'

"Kobe?" You wave your hand at him. He blinks twice and looks at you. "Hm?"

The tablet starts ringing. You look at the screen to see multiple orders popping up from customers. "Huh?! Nine orders?!"

"Yup," he says casually. You felt lost. "Didn't you say today...was supposed to be a slow day?"

"Yes, I said, but I didn't promise," he chuckles. "Don't stress, I'll keep you on track. Let's get to work."

Hours later...
Sora's POV

I check the time on my phone. 5pm. Her shift should be ending soon, so I put the keys in the ignition.

I'm not used to us being apart for so long. I miss her so much...I know she misses me too.

Making it to the bakery, I look through the window and spot her sitting down with...him. Just from looking at him, my mind is already turning dark.

Y/n's POV

"Mmm! It's so sweet," you said with your mouth full of toaster strudel. You danced in your chair.

Kobe shook his head. "Yuh, it's good, ain't it? Better than the ones in the box, right?"

"Absolutely!" You take another bite and start dancing in your chair again. "How are you so great at cooking?!"

"I majored in culinary arts," he explained. "It ain't everything, but whatever gets me the bag."

You finish the rest of the strudel. "Mm...the jam is so warm...Sora definitely needs to try this."

Kobe's lowered his eyes. "He lets you call him"

"Say again?" You wiped your mouth with a napkin. His eyes raise back up. "Nothin. Can I ask a question?"

"Sure," you nodded. "Uh, how much do you know about...his past?" You think for a minute. "Not much...? Why?"

"Tch," he hides his irritation with a chuckle. "He hasn't told you anything...and he has the nerve to put that ring on your finger."

You looked at your ring, then back at him. "What's wrong with my ring?"

He sits back and sighs. "Sky has always been the secretive type, but I didn't think he would be the same around you, since you're his wifey and all."

"What are you going on about?" You asked. He leans in. "There's some things about Sky that he won't tell you...but you need to know."

Sora enters the bakery. "Hi, baby." You loose track of the conversation. "Babes!"

Both of you hug each other while Sora, as always, beams his spiteful glare at Kobe. Kobe rolls his eyes.

Sora reverts his focus back on you. "You ready to go home?" You nudged your face against his chest. "Mhm."

"Get your stuff and let's go," he releases you. You went to the back of the bakery to get your bags, leaving Sora and Kobe alone.

"You got yourself a nice wifey," Kobe mentioned. Sora looks at his phone, paying him little to no attention.

He chuckles. "Look at you, acting antisocial. You can't ignore me forever." Still no response from Sora.

He shook his head. "Tch. Secretive as hell. So I guess you ain't telling wifey about 5 years ago, right?"

His words caught Sora off guard, but still remains silent. Kobe taunts him. "Oh? Did that get you? I bet. I mean...since you're not gonna tell her, then maybe I can-"

Sora slams his hand on the table. "Don't fùcking say shít to her. I'm warning you." His glare pierces right through Kobe.

He stands up. "Sky, you realize I'm not doing it to tear your image down. I'm doing it to protect her from you."

"You ain't protecting shīt. Stay out of it," he warned. "Or what? You can't kill me. Not like you did with the others. Go ahead." He gets in Sora's face, taunting him more.

"I sure as hell won't let you. You'll be buried with your feet sticking out of the ground before you even open your mouth..." Sora clenched his fist.

"Threats and threats and threats," Kobe says. "You've been saying that shīt for 5 years. You think that scares me? I'm not afraid of you."

Sora and Kobe glare at each other, thickening the atmosphere. This night might not end well for the both of them.


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