Backseat 🔞

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"Get in the back." He ordered. "Sora I-"


You sighed. "Yes daddy..." You climbed to the back of the car. Sora went after you.

The windows aren't tinted enough for privacy. "Do we have to do this here? People might see us."

He didn't care. "Take off your top." You obeyed his orders and took your shirt off.

"Pants off." You slide your pants off. You're worried someone is gonna see you. "Sora, can we please-"

"Did I say you can speak?" You stopped talking. "Bra next." You unbuttoned your bra and took it off.

"Good girl." He unzips his jeans and takes it out. "C'mere," he instructed. You crawled closer to him.

He grips you by the hair and pushes you down to his dîck. "Open your mouth."

As soon as you open up, he forces it in your mouth and starts fuçking your throat. You start gagging.

"That's a good fücking girl. Mm." You start choking. You tried lifting your head up for air.

He puts pressure on your head with his arm, preventing you from coming up.

"Stay down and keep sucking," he commanded. You couldn't stop gagging. He forced you to suck for a good 3 minutes.

Finally, he pulls your head up. Your makeup is smeared everywhere. "How does it taste, babygirl?"

You were out of breath, drooling all over his dićk. "Turn around and lift your āss up."

"Mkay, daddy." You turned around on all fours.

You remember that your "holes" were not completely healed from the last time he wrecked you.

He grabs you by the hips. "Daddy, wait-AH!" He shoves it in without any hesitation, not giving you the time to adjust to his size.

You yell in pain and sink your nails into the seat.

"Oh, I know it hurts, baby," he moans. "Can you feel it? Can you feel me throbbing inside you?" You felt him pulsing against your walls.

"That's how much I love you. I'm not hard for anyone else but you. If you can't see that, then you leave me no other choice."

He starts moving. It was mixture of pain of pleasure. He noticed that you were trying to hold your moan, so he pounds you harder.

"Oww please,'s too much..." The overstimulation is causing you to make crazy noises.

Too many cars were passing by. You duck from the window so nobody can see you.

Sora pulls you up by the hair and slams your face against the window. He continues fućking you.

"Say hi to the pretty people, baby. Show that beautiful face of yours." You grew embarrassed.

"Babe! They're looking at us! Why are you doing this?!" You start to cry from humiliation.

"Why, you ask? Because I want them to know that I own you and you're my property. Now smile."

The tip of his dîck abuses your G-spot. You start to feel your guts twitch. You tried your best to hold back from cummìng.

"C'mon, baby. I know you need to čum. I can feel you twitching." You tighten up around his dîck.

"No...I don't need to çum..." you denied. "Oh yeah?" He reaches for your clît and teases you.

Your eyes rolled back from the pleasure. "How about now, hm? Ready to cûm for daddy?"

You can't hold it any longer. You have to let it go. He's not stopping until you do it.

You loosen your grip and came on his díck. " fućk!" He kept pounding you.

"Good girl, now it's time for daddy to fill you up." He pulls you from the window and flips you on your back.

He puts your legs on his shoulders and pounds you 10x faster and harder. "FUĆK, DADDY! AHH!"

You arched your back and moaned loudly. Sora starts growling. "Mm...fūck. FŪCK! I'm cummíng..."

He grips your thighs and pumps his slimy, hot ćum deep inside you. "You better take it all..."

He's čumming so much, it's overflowing out of your peach. You felt like a teddy bear getting stuffed with warm fluff...a little too much fluff.

Both of you were breathing heavily. He takes it out, causing it to drip everywhere. He kisses your neck.

"Babes...can we go to Olive Garden now?" You ask out of breath.

"Yeah. And since you can't walk right now, we're ordering takeout."


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