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You unbuckle your seatbelt as Sora brakes in front of the HoneyBakes to drop you off. "Okay, bye. Love you."

"Mhm." You kissed his cheek, but before leaving, you turned back and asked him a question. "Are we okay still?"

He takes his eyes off the front window and looks at you. "Yeah, why?"

" didn't say anything the whole time we were driving so..." You shrugged.

"Don't worry about it," he dismissed with a neutral tone. "And yes, we're fine. I'm not angry...not at you at least."

You smiled, then paused for a second. Why did he say you specifically? "Um..."

He kissed your cheek. "Have a good day for me, okay?" You hopped out the car. "Okay, babes."

Through the window of the bakery, you spot Kobe wiping the windows. You waved to him.

He stops to smile at you, until he noticed Sora hasn't even driven off yet, giving off his deadly stare.

Kobe stops wiping to give him the same exact look as a joke to mock him.

Sora wasn't amused. He looks back at the road and drives off.

"Morning!" You push open the glass doors, happily inhaling that fresh fragrance of sweets. "Mmm."

Kobe rolls up the cloth. "And I bet you can guess what that smell is.

"That could be..." you took another inhale. "Cinnamon rolls?"

"Ding, ding, ding!" He slides behind the counter, pulling out a pallet with a batch of cinnamon rolls drizzled in white chocolate.

"Ding, ding, ding!" He slides behind the counter, pulling out a pallet with a batch of cinnamon rolls drizzled in white chocolate

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"Holy heaven..." You cup your face with your hands. "And this is the treat you said you've been working on?"

He nodded. "Use to make this all the time in culinary class. Try it and see if it's good!"

Right when you're about to reach for a taste, you remind yourself that you can't get close to Kobe.

You pull your hand back. "Actually, I'm okay."

He looks up at you still smiling. "Huh? Nah, you playin with me. You allergic or sum?"

"Eh," you giggled. "I just don't have the appetite right now. Sorry."

He didn't mind it. "It's all good. I'll just put some in a bag for you to take home and eat later. "

You felt flattered from the way he treats you. It almost makes you forget about what Sora said about him otherwise.

He slides the sugary rolls back into the glass display. "Ready to work now?"


Before entering the kitchen, he turns back to you."By the way, Y/n, look nice today."


"I-I mean you look nice all the time, just...nicer? Actually, never mind I'm saying stupid shît..."

You laugh at him to excuse the awkwardness. "You're okay, haha! I think you look 'nicer' too."

"Thank you, haha." He gets flustered and facepalms himself.

His thoughts

'Fuūuck, just take me already.'

Minutes forward...

Customer: Ava Brown
Order: Cookie Monster Biscuits
Quantity: 4 boxes

Kobe raised his eyebrows at the tablet. "A themed order. Now this will be interesting. Gather up the ingredients, partner."

"On it!"

5 minutes...

The blue dough was sticking to the bowl, making it hard for you to stir. "Ngh..."

Kobe walks passed you, displaying some dough on the powdery counter. "Having trouble over there again?"

"No, I'm okay," you lied, continuing to struggle.

He leans over to see your bowl "Oh, it's probably too thick to stir, haha."

You remain quiet. As Sora said, he's not the one to trust.

"Here lemme just..." Before displaying his hand on yours, you step back. "No, I got it."

He steps closer. "I don't need help," you stated clearly.

He's concerned with the way you're suddenly acting. "Sure...I'll stay in my place, but I was just reachin for the vegetable oil."

"I-oh!" You relaxed yourself. "Sorry for snapping, haha."

"You good," he chuckled grabbing the vegetable oil from the counter. "I know you got it. Keep up the good work."

"Yeah..." You kept stirring the icing in the bowl, feeling embarrassed. "Actually, Kobe, I kinda do need your help."

He smiles while kneading his dough. "I'll be there in a second."


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