Affair 🔞

896 12 15

Sora: you're making a mistake

You: please just leave me alone

Sora: you know you're never leaving me right?

You: I told you it's over Sora

Sora: don't fuçk with me. I'm gonna find you

Sora: fuçking answer me

On the road, you quickly contacted Kobe. "Answer please..." He picks up. "Yeah?"

"Kobe, Sora is scaring me," you said straightforwardly. "Why? What happened?"

"You were right about everything. He's not normal. Everything went rampage when I mentioned Angie."

"Damn, I knew this was gonna happen," he mumbled. "So what's he trying to do now?"

"I don't know, but I'm on the road right now. He won't stop sending me threats."

"Why the hell is he threatening you?"

"I told him that it was over and—you know how he is. He doesn't like that I'm avoiding him right now."

"Damn, that sounds serious." You try to hold in your tears. Your voice was shaking.

"I don't even know where I'm going, but I feel so anxious. I can't even go to the bakery cause I know he's gonna trace me there and I don't know what to do and—"

"Aight, slow down and listen, okay?" You catch your breath to hear him.

"You can come to my place, he doesn't know where I live. Check your messages, I already sent the addy."

"Thank you so much, Kobe. You're literally so much help."

"F'course. I'll see you there."

"Okay, bye." You end the call and check for an address.

Kobe's place • Kitchen

Kobe takes the chip out of your phone and deactivates the tracker. "You should be good now."

"Thank you." You take your phone back. "And...I take back what I said about you being a manipulator. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he excused. "It's his fault for lying to you. He always does that to cover up his past."

It was regretful being so naive, you couldn't help but blame yourself a bit.

His focus is on you now. "You alright?" You didn't know how to answer, so you just shrug.

"I see you still in your work clothes. It happen that fast?" You perk a smile. "Are you really surprised?"

"Nah not really," he jokes. "Aye, I got extra clothes if you needa change."

"Ugh, that be great," you sigh in relief. "C'mon, I gotchu." You follow Kobe while he guides.


"Should be somethin for you..." he searches for clothes in his drawer.

"Your room is nice," you said sitting on his bed. "Right? Go ahead, get comfy."

You decided to take your shirt off while he's at it. "Hey Kobe?"


"About Angie, you think he might've...killed her?"

He hesitated to respond. "Don't know." You look down in silence.

"But you know what's weird? Angie never even loved Sky to begin with."

"You serious?"

He thinks to himself. "She was already with a guy...and he proposed anyway."

So much new information, it was hard for you to process all of it. "Huh."

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