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"Mhm!" Your smile catches him off guard. He clears his throat again. "Ahom. Aight much experience do you have with baking?"

"Mm...I have a little bit of experience. I do it on special occasions like birthdays. Is that enough experience?"

"It's perfect," he says. "Next one, are you heavy handed with measuring ingredients?"

"Only sometimes. I dropped an entire bag of sugar in cake batter once. Call me clumsy, haha."

"Bruh, I use to do the same thing," he laughs. "Oop. I guess we got something in common," you giggled.

"Aight, social are you?" He asked. "Social...? Like social while working?"

"Yeah, for customer interaction or whateva. Do you get along with other people?"

You shrugged. "Oh, not really. My husband doesn't like it when I talk to other people, so..."

He thought for a minute. " he doesn't let you have friends or anything?"

"No, he gets jealous too easily, so he's the only one I talk to. It's hard to explain." You felt embarrassed.

"Damn...okay, let's move on. Which baking skills do you consider yourself expert in?"

You used your fingers to count. "Cookies, cupcakes, brownies..."

Kobe losses focus and stares down at your figure. "Mhm..."

"I've also made pound cake for the first time yesterday and topped it off with some frosting."

Kobe's thoughts

'Damn, I'd pound your cake and give you my frosting anytime. Fūck.'

You shrug. "And yeah, that's pretty much it." He snaps out of it. "Huh? I mean yeah yeah. That's cool."

You laugh awkwardly. "What are you look at?" He shifted his eyes to a different direction. "Nothin, just thinkin, haha."

His thoughts

'Thinkin about stuffing your cinnamon donut with my Nutella. Whew.'

He turns the pages, but then decides to move off topic and ask his own questions. "So...whatchu like?"

You try to comprehend. "What I like? Like...what are my interest?"

"Yeah, tell me anything. Your favorite shoe brand, music taste..." He mumbled under his breath. "Your type in dudes maybe?"

You weren't able to hear his third statement. "My type in wha...? Sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"Ahem, I meant your style of clothes," he played off. "Just tell me whatchu like. Anything."

It took you a second to think. "Well...with my husband, I like-"

"Nah nah. Without Sky. Whatchu like to do by yourself?" He moves the paper to the side.

"Oh! Um...I like to watch self care routines on YouTube and listen to old R&B music while I clean."

"Is that it?" He asked. "Yeah, I don't really get to do much alone without Sora." You laughed awkwardly.

He laughs. "Nothin? Sky's witchu all the time and doesn't leave you alone?"

"Pretty much. He always wants to know what I'm up to or where I'm going. I barely have any time with myself, haha."

He nods in pity. "Sheesh, what's a wifey like you doin with someone so possessive?"

"He's not that possessive," you denied. "He just cares about me a lot. That's why I love him."

He leans back in his chair. "If you say so. Since Sky and I are bros, I feel like you and me are gonna get along. Let's be friends."

You smile. "I'd like to! But Sora doesn't let me have any friends, remember?"

He rolls his eyes. "Don't you get tired of him telling you what to do? He ain't got custody of you."

He's kinda right. Sora shouldn't have this much control over your life. "I know," you sighed.

"He won't care," he claimed. "Plus, he never said anything about not havin a boy best friend."

You laugh a little. "Boy best friend?" He shrugs. "For sho. wanna go further than that."

You began to stutter. "Further? E-Excuse me?" He chuckles. "I'm playin witchu." Somehow, that didn't really sound like a joke to you.

After the phone call, Sora returns from outside and points at Kobe. "You a little too close to her. Back it up."

Kobe roll his eyes and pulls his chair back. "Chill out. We just havin a friendly conversation."

"I can care less. Baby, you okay?" You nod. "Yes, I'm fine, babes."

"Good," he looks back at Kobe. "How long are you keeping her until the interviews over?"

He smiles at you. "We just finished. She's hired."


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