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"Wait...I'm actually hired?!" You felt a flow of joy streaming in your body.

"Hell yeah!" Kobe stands up from his chair and gathers up the papers. "No way. When do I start?" You asked.

"We start Monday," he replied. "Imma go and get ya HoneyBakes hoodie. You a small, right?"

"Medium," you corrected. "I gotchu." Kobe goes and speeds to the back room.

You turn to Sora in excitement. "Babe, he hired me! I'm so happy!"

"That's good. I'm proud of you." He kisses your forehead. You take his hands and twirl around in the store. "Ahaha!"

His thoughts

'I know that møtherfucker got some slick shīt under his sleeve. He better stay his asš away from my girl...'

Kobe comes back with a box full of hoodies. "Whew, this shīt is heavy. Aight, pick your favorite."

They were all so cute that you couldn't decide. "Hmm...I'm not sure. Maybe this one?"

"I think that would look good on you," Sora approved

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"I think that would look good on you," Sora approved."Okay! I'll have this one."

Kobe clapped his hands together. "Aight, it's settled! Oh, before you leave, I heard you wanted sugar cookie kisses, right?"

You remembered. "Oh right!" Kobe reached over the counter and gives you a pink bag packed with sugar cookie kisses.

You gasped. "Cookies!" They were still warm and fresh out the oven. "Mm, they smell so good!"

"How much?" Sora asked pulling out his wallet. "It's on me, since I've finally got someone to hire. Just trynna be nice with it, haha."

"Thank you so much, Kobe." You reach to shake his hand, until Sora pulls you away.

"Sora. Really?" You pull his hand off your sleeve. "Really what? I'm not doing anything," he claimed. Kobe shakes his head. "Sky's in his natural habitat again."

Sora looks at him with a choleric grin. "For someone who has an easy aśs to kick, you got a ton of smart shįt to say."

"Damn, you must really love comedy," he says sarcastically. "Ever heard of a joke?"

"Oh, I've heard many. Want me to tell you one?" Sora let's go of you and pushed his sleeves up.

You sense a fight getting ready to happen. You have an anxious feeling in your stomach.

Kobe is unbothered. "Look at your wifey. You sure you wanna fight in front of her? Better think twice."

Sora glances in your direction. He notices you in distress and calms down instantly. "Fuçk..."

"Anyways," Kobe yawns. "I got chores to do in here, so y'all have a nice one." He goes into the kitchen.

Not even waiting for Sora, you sped out of the store stressed out.

"Baby." He grabs your hand, but you pull away. "What's your problem? Why are you acting like this?"

"Don't pull away from me. I'm sorry for popping off. I just can't control myself when-"

"When what? When you get jealous over the littlest things? You're ridiculous." You open the car door.

"I swear, I'm not acting this way on purpose. You know how I get when you're around other guys, especially him." He sits in the drivers seat.

"Sora..." you sigh and hold his face. "Nobody is going to take me away from you. Let's get that straight."

"I know," he strokes your hand with his thumb. You smiled in reassurance. "I know I'm yours. I'll never forget that, but can you please trust me for once?"

"Yes, baby. I'll try," he exhaled. "Trying is not enough for me. I want you to promise!"

"Okay, I promise," he chuckles. "Annnd promise me that you won't be jealous all the time," you added.

"But..." he sighs. "Alright, fine. I'll try- I mean...I promise not to let my jealously get in the way."

"Do you promise promise?"

"Yes, I promise promise."

You both smiled and laughed. "Good, you know I love you." You open the bag of sugar cookie kisses. "Want some?"


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