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He's dead now. Fùck, he almost killed me. I pushed his body off of me. My left shoulder is bleeding.

I can't get my blood anywhere or else the police will pick up my DNA.

I need something to stop the bleeding, other wise, I'll pass out. I took the shirt off of the body and wrapped up my wound.

I need to clean up the evidence, but first, the body. What am I gonna do with him? Think, Sora.

Maybe I should display the body where it looked like an accidental suicide, but how...

I looked at the bathroom. Maybe he drowned himself? But how does he drown with a broken neck?

Jumped from the window? No, too obvious. The stairs maybe? Sounds better. I grabbed the body.

Downstairs, I positioned the body on the floor to make it look like he fell and broke his neck.

Okay, so the story is he was sleeping shirtless, woke up and went downstairs and boom, killed himself on accident.

Perfect. I went back upstairs to his bedroom. I need to be careful about what I touch. I can't get any finger prints on anything.

Its a good thing I came prepared. I took a pair of gloves out of my pocket and retraced my steps.

I avoided turning any lights on to stay discreet. So far, no one seemed like they heard him screaming.

I picked up everything that was knocked over, closed the closet and reunited with my gun. Where's that knife?

I found the knife in the corner of the bedroom. It has my fingerprints on it. I took it to the bathroom.

Bleach. I need bleach. I looked in the cabinets to find a container of it.

I gave the knife some deep cleaning and scrubbed it from bottom to top until my arms were hurting.

I put the container back. This should be good, but where did he get it? Kitchen probably.

I looked back at his bedroom to make sure I didn't miss anything laying around. I double checked before leaving.

I went to the kitchen and found the knife holder with one of them missing. I put the knife back where it was taken.

Before I leave, I remember breaking through his door with my bare hands. I gotta wipe that off too.

I took a napkin and sprayed it with a bleach bottle from the kitchen. I wiped down both knobs.

No evidence, he fell and killed himself, I was never here, the end.

I scanned the neighborhood before leaving. I'm good to go. I got in my car and drove off.


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