Cotillion Battle

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🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

Mal just broke Ben out of Uma's spell and Jay has his arms wrapped around me. Then I notice the angry look that is on Uma's face is getting worse and worse.

She looks towards Fairy Godmother and yells "Ugh, give it to me!" And charges for the wand and FG screams "No! Guards, seize her!" Uma runs towards the side railing and the guards head towards her but Mal intervenes and goes between them, puts up her hand, and calls out "No, no! Stop, please! Stop!"

She looks at Uma and says "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me, because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want" then Uma looks down and sees her necklace glowing and then jumps off the side of the ship while Mal yells "No, no! Uma!" at the same time that Ben screams "Uma!"

Everyone starts screaming and then we notice the water start to spin and spiral upwards. The water gets taller and then breaks and everyone on the ship gets soaked and then we notice Uma giant like her mother was with Ariel.

Uma laughs evilly. We all head back over to the railing and look at Uma in shock. Uma calls out "True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Then she screams "Aaah!" And send one of her tentacles towards us and Jay pulls me down and we duck so that we won't get hit. Then Uma tries again "Aah!"

We all back up and Mal steps away from the group breathing heavily while Uma laughs. Mal's eyes start glowing green and Ben asks "Mal?" And then she gets surrounded by a purple fog and turns into a dragon and roars.

Uma laughs and Mal roars again. Uma swings a tentacle and says "Aah! Come on, Mal! Let's finish this once and for all!"

Mal dives downwards and breathes out fire towards Uma. "Aah!" Uma says dodging the attack and then swings her tentacle toward Mal. Mal shoots fire towards her once more and Uma dives under the water. "Watch out!" Ben screams when Uma pops back up and water splashing all over the boat.

Everyone screams and the boat rocks side to side making us all tip back and forth with it. (This made me laugh to type because you can tell how fake it is when watching the movie) Then Ben runs towards the railing roars and then turns around taking off his crown and passes it to Carlos and takes his jacket off with Jay's help.

He runs towards the railing while Carlos yells "Wait, Ben! No!" And I yell "Ben don't you even think about it" Ben jumps over anyway and we all run towards the railing and call out for him. "Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben"

Ben appears above the surface and yells "Mal, Uma! Stop! Back down!" Uma looks at him and laughs. Then she says "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?" And laughs once again at her joke.

"That's enough!" He calls out and continues "It's got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fighting has got to stop! Nobody wins this way! We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try"

He turns towards Uma "Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference" and then holds out his hand for her. Uma glances towards Mal who roars at her once more and the Uma lifts her tentacle and Mal roars worried she will hurt Ben but instead she puts his ring back in his hand and then retreats under the water.

Then Carlos and Jay throw a rope ladder down to Ben and Adam says "There you go" standing by the ladder and watching Ben.

"Good job, man" Jay tells him. Adam leads him back to the center of the ship and I walk up and say to him "Don't scare me like that again" and hug him while he says "I'll try not to" and then I pull back and chuckle.

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