R.O.A.R Practice

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🌹Jay's P.O.V.🌹

Carlos and I were at R.O.A.R practice with the rest of the team. "All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go" I call out to the team. "Yeah" Carlos answers.

"Assembler. Salute. Lower the point. Masks down. En garde" I instruct and the team breaks out into pairs fencing.

"Keep your center!" I call out. "Whoa!" Carlos says. I continue to call out tricks and instructions. "Eyes on your opponent!" "Up and over" The out of nowhere two people show up hidden under uniforms and one ends up fighting me and one ends up fighting Carlos.

Two team members call out to Carlos and I "Get him, Jay!" "Get him, Carlos!" "Watch out, Jay" another team member then calls out and Chad calls out "Nice!"

"It's Lonnie and Rose!" Jane calls out and everyone applauds them. "Not bad guys" I tell them. "You should put us on the team" Lonnie says and then I am about to respond when Chad comes over and interrupts.

"Hey, w-what?! No, no, no. We'll... We'll be the laughing stock of the league" He starts. "A-And what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney? We already have one playing we don't need more. Come on, guys" Chad complains.

"So?" I ask. "So? Uh, so, have you not read the rule book?" Chad says and pulls the rule book out. Rose asks him "Do you always carry that around with you?"

He turns to her and says "Yes" Then he continues on with the rules and says "Section 2, paragraph 3, 11-4" Then he reads "A team will be comprised of a captain and eight men."

"Hmm? Why don't you read the rule book?" He says sarcastically. Rose tells him "How bout I shove that rule book where the sun doesn't shine" which makes some guys on the team chuckle.

"Okay, yeah, but you're down two men! I mean, since Ben had to leave to do all that king stuff and the other dropped out" Lonnie argues.

"Exactly. We're down two men" Chad states smugly. "Jay..." Rose begs quietly. "I'm sorry. Coach trusts me. I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book" I tell them sadly.

"If my mother thought that way, she would have lost the war" Lonnie says walking off but stops for a second when Chad scoffs and says "Okay. Rule book. Rule book" and then she continues walking out.

Then Rose turns to me and says "Jay I understand you are still trying to change and fit in but you know that we could've been added to the team" then Jane calls from the balcony "Rose can you come here for a second!" Rose calls back "Okay" then turns to me, kisses my cheek, and says "Bye Jay"

"Bye" I say weakly and turn to the team and say "All right, guys. Practice is over. Let's go" and we leave the room.

🌹Rose's P.O.V🌹

I'm up on the balcony with Jane talking about plans for Cotillion while the boys are cleaning up. I tell Jane "Whatever you pick for Cotillion is going to be perfect Jane we all trust you"

"I know I just am so nervous about something going wrong" Jane tells me. "Nothing will go wrong you just have to trust yourself" "Thanks Rose" "No problem"

Then we hear Carlos call out  "Jane!" "Well that's my cue I'll see you later Jane" I tell her chuckling "Bye" She says and turns to Carlos and I leave thinking 'They are definitely going to become a cute couple'


Sorry for the short chapter I'm gonna try posting another one tonight love you all!

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